x-tra 2 : (not so) humble beginnings

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Two years later...

You're sitting with your legs crossed one over the other on the leather couch, the warm light coming from the small bar dimly reflects off the floor tiles into the spacious open space.

" 20,30 " Your tongue comes to lick your index finger, making it easier to flick through the paper bills.

" 50,60-"

" Hey, Senju! Get me a drink too! " Sanzu yells out from next to you, to which Senju replies,

" Get it yourself, lazy ass !"

You huff out in frustration as you completely lose your focus, getting the numbers mixed up and you let the stack of cash rest in your lap.

" Can you two...shut the fuck up? " It comes out as blunt, perhaps even rude - you couldn't help it after having failed to finish counting the 3rd time in a row.

Sanzu ignores you, instead flipping Senju off when she inevitably comes back with only one glass of alcohol, for herself.

And you start counting, again.

" 10,20.."

" Hey, Ran! Your bitch calle-"

" God! Seriously " You yell out, making everyone laugh which in turn just makes you let out a sigh, crossing your arms as you watch Koko near you with a smile.

" It's not their fault you suck at counting " He teases you, sitting down with an arm loosely placed around you.

" Yeah? You try " You scoff, amused.

He motions you to pass him the stacks of money that lay in your lap, and you take the rubber band off and do so.

It started with 10, 20, 30 and even with Senju and Sanzu starting to bicker again, Ran and Rindou almost killing each other and you shushing a few times - he just carries on.

You silently raise your eyebrows, passing him the stacks one by one and he passes you the ones he finishes counting back, you go to place the rubber band around them.

" Haven't I taught you anything? You don't even hold the cash right " He scolds you with a small smile and you couldn't help but smile, pushing a hand into his arm.

" How much? "

" In total? With Bonten - that's around ... 2.7 mil" He lets out a deep sigh, earning a loud " huh ?" from Sanzu.

" You're sighing at that?! You made more than like...all of us" Sanzu lets out in disbelief making you giggle, shifting more comfortably on the sofa once Koko places his hand on your thigh.

" Yeah, I'm sighing - you see this shit ?! " Koko lifts your hand, pointing at the beautiful ring on your finger you've received recently.

" And you see this? " Koko goes to point at you with a chuckle, making you roll your eyes.

" Ain't cheap, man " He finishes complaining, and you sit up straight to look at him.

" Who are you fooling? We still eat ramen-" You go to speak, but promptly get muffled by Koko's hand placed over your mouth making Senju laugh.

" So humble, how many houses ya'll have now? " Senju teases, to which Sanzu replies.

" Maybe 5,6 -"

" Three " Koko bluntly replies, letting go of you making your frown turn to a small smile.

" That lil sorry ass apartment don't count " Ran adds, joining the conversation.

" Then we have two, the one y'all broke asses stayin' in and the new one " You let out a small laugh, picking your glass off the table once you notice Koko doing the same.

" How much do you want for that apartment, actually? " Sanzu chimes in and you and Koko both say " never" in unison, making you laugh when he brings his glass up to yours.

" Cheers to that " You take a sip before giving Koko a small peck on the lips.

You smile, holding eye contact with him briefly before letting out a small "oh" and hurrying to place your glass back down on the table.

You pull your phone out, motioning Senju to sit next to you.

" Now come look at this wedding dress I found"

Senju hurries next to you, letting out a small squeal once she sees your screen.

" So pretty! What about the..."

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