Chapter 2: Another Super Saiyan?

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Oren's friends found out that Frieza had not only survived their battle on Namek, but that he was on his way towards Remnant! Making matters even worse, Frieza brought his father along, the dreaded King Cold. With Oren still gone, and with no one else to face him, Ruby and the others have decided to face Frieza and hold him off until Oren arrives. However, a mysterious boy appeared out of nowhere, and has stopped Frieza in his tracks. Will this boy be able to defeat Frieza, or will the tyrant take his revenge by destroying the Planet?


Another Super Saiyan?


Frieza and King Cold stared blankly at the boy before them.

"Alright, you have our attention," Frieza said with annoyance. "What do you want?"

The boy gave them a ferocious glare.

"I'm here to kill you two. What else?"

Both Frieza and his father were taken aback slightly. They weren't frightened, but surprised that this Remanite had stated he wished to end their lives.

"I'm sorry," King Cold replied, not sure if he heard the boy correctly. "Could you repeat that?"

"I am here. To kill you," The boy said slowly.

Frieza and King Cold's eyes widened at the absurdity of the boy.

"He's serious father," Frieza said before smirking. "Oh, I'm terrified; aren't you?" Frieza said with mock horror. "Who do you think you are boy; do you know who you're even speaking to?" Frieza asked.

"Oh yeah, I know," The boy nodded. "Yeah, you're Frieza. No surprise really, I've actually known about you for years."

Frieza smirked.

"Ah, it seems that my reputation precedes me, even on this ball of dirt," Frieza shrugged. "But it seems someone has failed to mention that I'm also the most powerful being this universe has even seen," Frieza smirked.

The boy smirked as he gave his retort: "It seems someone failed to tell you that you're going to die here today."

Frieza clenched his fist and scowled at the boy.

"So be it. If it's your wish to die, then I won't deny you that privilege," Frieza said, before turning to one of his soldiers. "You there, take care of this brat! The rest of you, fan out!" Frieza ordered.

The soldiers acknowledged Frieza's orders and began to fly away. But before they could make it into the air, the boy held his hand up.

"Now wait, all of you," The boy spoke. "If you don't wish to die, then I recommend that you get back in your ship and leave. Otherwise, there's no stopping what's happening next. That's your only warning." The boy warned.

One soldier spoke up: "Oh yeah! We'll see about that you little shit!"

However, another soldier placed his arm on his comrade's shoulder.

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