Chapter 15: Behold, Super Android 13!

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After deciding to take a long-needed break, Oren and crew took a stroll through the city of Atlas. But unknown to them, Vernel, and her partner, Android #14 were stalking from the shadows. The Androids attacked Oren when he least expected, destroying nearly half the city in the process. Wanting to take the fight away, and to limit the number of casualties, Oren and Klaus led the two into the far north of Mantel. Following behind the two were Ruby and Yang, who were also followed by Jaune, Lapis, and Lazuli. Upon making it to the northern glaciers, Oren and Klaus were met with an unexpected visitor, General Ironwood, and Raven Branwen. The fight for the future of Atlas had begun, but who will be the victor?


Behold, Super Android #13!


Raven stood still, observing her surroundings. She had been in many a situation like this before, surrounded on all sides. Yang glared at her; fists clenched.

"Take off the mask, Raven," Yang demanded, refusing to call this woman her mother. "Look me in the eye, coward!"

Obliging her daughter, she did exactly that. Blood red eyes locked onto lilac. Immediately, two small flames ignited around her eyes. Waving her hands backwards, she created a wall of ice, separating Ruby and Jaune.

"This doesn't concern them," Raven said, slowly walking to her daughter. "You wanted to see me, well here I am."

"Why?" Yang asked. "Why did you leave us? Abandon your family?"

Yang saw the flames around Raven's eyes grow larger. Raven stopped her advance, and glared at her daughter, saying: "Why, because I let myself grow weak, too soft! I won't lie, I genuinely did love your father. Yet I found myself broken, after seeing the man I loved, become a fucking poon hound every night!" 

Yang flinched at Raven's tone. How dare she call her father that! She loved her father; he raised her when her own mother abandoned them. What could he have done to earn her ire.

"I should've known. Once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy!" Raven growled. "The number of affairs he had behind my back, other bastards he probably sired! I couldn't stand to even look at you! Your eyes, like that man-whore!"

Yang felt her stomach drop. No, that couldn't be. Her father was a family man, always raising both she and Ruby to be good people. And what did she say? "Siering bastards"? Did she have other half-siblings that were products of her father's affairs? 

"Did you think he stopped after I left? No, he didn't," Raven continued. "He couldn't go a single day without fucking some other whore; not even when his "Darling" wife Summer was pregnant with my brother's child!"

Yang felt sick. Even when her mother, Summer Rose, was pregnant with Ruby? Her whole life: her whole family, everything about it was awful. Seeing her daughter in emotional distress gave her great satisfaction. Especially since it left her distracted. Gripping her sword, she dashed towards Yang, who in return flipped over her, and kicked her back. Flying back, she dug her sword into the snow to stop the momentum. 

"I'll never forgive you for abandoning me," Yang said, her semblance flaring. "But this family has seen enough damage, and I'll do my damnedest to fix all of it!" 

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