Chapter 14: The Android's March!

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Ruby had awakened to find herself within the Branwen tribe camp. Upon talking to her Aunt Raven, she had learned an awful truth. She had learned that her uncle Qrow, was in fact, her REAL father! Whilst back in Atlas, Qrow, distraught for his daughter's safety, reveals his past to his eldest niece. With Penny, Jaune, and Klaus, they had found Gero's hidden lab, along with an old acquaintance. Wanting to atone for what she had done, #21 had agreed to accompany the others back to Atlas. During the night, Ruby had blasted her way to freedom, leaving an angry Raven behind. When all felt lost to the tribal leader, Gero, who lives through his supercomputer, possessed Vernal to give Raven choice she couldn't refuse. Will these nefarious Androids strike back at our heroes when they least expect it? If so, then when?




The adrenalin running through Ruby's veins had ceased, allowing her to calm down. In the air, she stopped to find the Ki signatures of anyone nearby. After about a minute, she found that she was in Anima, nowhere near Mantel. Thankfully, she found the Ki signature of Oren and proceeded to fly as fast as she could back to her friends. Meanwhile, Penny and the others were nearing the Schnee manor, with the Android calling out: "Look #21, we're here!"

 All four landed outside, and immediately stopped as they saw the state of the back garden, it had been attacked. Penny quickly summoned her blade's, as Klaus drew his sword. Jaune prepared himself for a fight.

"What the hell happened here?" Jaune asked.

Klaus slowly began to inch forward, anticipating an attack.

"The manor must've been attacked while we were gone," Klaus said, noting to the destruction around him. 


Immediately, armed guards surrounded them and aimed their rifles at the four. Before anything could happen, Winter ran past the guards.

"Stand down! All of you, stand down!"

All of the guards lowered their rifles as ordered. Penny put her swords away before saluting Winter. 

"General Schnee, we've investigated the site of Gero's lab as ordered," Penny said, relaying their mission. "We brought back Gero's former assistant, Android #21, who wishes to make amends and to aid us."

Winter looked around Penny to see #21 standing behind her. Winter remembered #21, she had seen her before during her talks with Ironwood and Gero. She was always quiet; she never spoke unless spoken to. So, to see her now, standing before her, she could press her for more information.

"#21, yes?" Winter asked, which garnered a nod from the Android. "Could you follow me downstairs to the lab, if what Penny says is true, then your information would be invaluable."

"I would hope so," #21 replied. "If it means terminating this army Gero had been building in secret, I will gladly help." 

Jaune stepped forward and asked Winter: "Wait, what happened while we were gone?"

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