Chapter 16: The End of The Android Terror?

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Our heroes had finally come together to deal with the last vestige of Gero's master plan. Between the battle pitting Oren against the Androids, Yang fought a grueling battle against her mother, coming out the victor. Before drawing her last breath, Raven transferred her powers of the Spring Maiden into Yang! Whilst during the battle against the Android's, Oren and company managed to defeat both Vernal and #14. As if expecting this outcome, Ironwood absorbed key components from their remains, transforming himself into an unstoppable Android. Against all fighter's present, no one could even land a scratch; everybody believed that there was no hope of victory. When all seemed lost, Oren, with the last of his energy summoned the Spirit Bomb! With the combined power from all living things on Remnant, Oren managed to deliver a devastating blow against the Android, killing him. With the last of the Android's destroyed, will Remnant see peace once more?




Oren's head felt like it had been stuck by Nora's hammer. The feeling of continuous pounding. The sounds around him, sounded slurred, slowed down.  The shine of the morning light shined over his eyes, causing him to groan.


Opening his eyes, the Saiyan saw that he was in a hospital bed. Sitting on his left was his aunt Glynda, the blonde Huntress breathing a sigh of relief. Leaning down, she gently embraced him.

"Oh, thank the brother's you're alright." 

Oren felt another pair of hands embracing him and kiss his cheek. On the other side of the bed was Blake, with Pan safely tucked in her arms. Seeing his lover, and his daughter before him, he kissed Blake back, before gently rubbing his daughter cheek. Slowly sitting up, he noticed that all of his friends were in the room with him. Those who took part in the fight against Ironwood stood around Oren's hospital bed.

"W-What happened?" Oren asked. "The last thing I remember, I was falling into the ocean after killing Ironwood. How'd I end up here?"

 "That would be because of us."

Finding the source of the voice, Oren saw both Penny and Android #21. The last he saw of #21, was when both he and Penny defeated Gero, before the forming of his Red Ribbon army.

"#21!" Oren exclaimed. "You're okay!" 

Winter walked into the room with Ozpin behind her. 

"After the news of Ironwood's return, and the fact that they felt your energy increase by a mile, I sent both Penny and #21 to your aid." Winter explained. "It would appear that they caught you just in time before your body hit the water."

As Winter explained what had happened, Ruby walked up to Ozpin. The last she saw her sister, she was screaming in pain, fire shooting from her eyes. The headmaster had her placed in a separate room, where both he and Glynda spent a considerable amount of time in.  

"Professor Ozpin?" Ruby asked. "How's Yang? Is she going to be, okay?"

Ozpin gave her a reassuring smile, before saying: "Worry not, miss Rose. Yang will be alright, in fact."

Just then, the door opened, revealing Yang. Her hair was shorter, with small singe marks near the bottom. She felt calm, more relaxed than she normally was. Ruby ran up and embraced her sister.

"Yang, you're okay!" Ruby cried.

Smiling at her sister, Yang rubbed the top of Ruby's head.

"Don't worry Rubes," Yang reassured. "I'm fine. I just have ice powers now...I think?"

"Yes, that's right," Ozpin said, getting everyone's attention. "Before she died, Raven gave you the Powers of the Spring maiden. Which means that you now have the power that she had."  

Oren smiled.

"Whoa, really!" Oren exclaimed. "That's awesome Yang!" 

Though after Oren's excitement settled, he laid back down, staring at the ceiling. 

"So, is it finally over?" Oren asked. "Is the Android threat truly over? I've had it to here with Gero's Android's coming after me."

"It would appear so," #21 said, adjusting her glasses. "According to my readings, every single one of Gero's hidden labs were destroyed after you killed Ironwood. I'd say that Gero and his legacy for world domination has come to end."

Klaus sighed, his shoulders slumping over.

"Well, that's a relief," Klaus said. Feeling more relaxed than he's ever felt before. "It feels like a heavy burden has finally been lifted of my shoulders."

Both Lapis and Lazuli were relieved. It may not undo what was done to them, but at least now they have some form of closure. Penny then walked up to Oren, holding a small burlap pouch.

"Oh, I nearly forgot," Penny said, reaching into the pouch. "Mister Korrin gave me more Sensu beans. Here, take one, Friend Oren."  

Taking the bean, Oren ate it, feeling both his strength and energy returning. Looking around the room, he noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey, where's Vegeta?" Oren asked.

Weiss shrugged.

"Don't know. After he took the Sensu bean he took off." 

As everyone else began to socialize with one another, Ruby noticed Piccolo leaving. Following her friend, Ruby asked: "Hey Piccolo, where are you going? Don't you want to stick around a little longer?"

"Sorry Ruby," Piccolo apologized. "I need to get back to Kami's lookout. I've got a feeling that there's still something out there. I just can't put my finger on yet."

Before Piccolo could leave, Ruby tugged his cape.

"W-Wait!" Ruby blushed. "C-Can you lean down really quick? I-I've got something to tell you."

Obliging her request, Piccolo leaned down to face Ruby. The silver eyed Huntress leaned forward and kissed his cheek, leaving the stoic Namekian stunned. 

"I just wanted to thank you for saving me, that's all," Ruby smiled, a small blush appearing on her face. "But I understand if you need to leave right now. I'll see you later, Piccolo."

Blushing as well, Piccolo awkwardly said goodbye before flying to Kami's lookout. On his way to the tower, he wondered if Kami will finally merge with him once more. Because deep down, he felt a dark foreboding feeling from within. There was something coming, something truly evil. The only question on his mind being... what was it? 



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