Chapter 9: The Branwen's Sudden Intrusion!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Our heroes once again gave chase to Doctor Gero as he attempted to reach his laboratory. However, our brave heroes were too late, as Gero had finally reawakened Androids #17 and #18. But our heroes were in for an interesting turn of events when they saw the rebellious Androids kill their creator right in front of them! Seeing this as their golden opportunity of freedom, they quickly made their getaway. #17 had suggested that they fulfil Gero's orders and kill Oren, as that would give them some form of entertainment, yet #18 suggested otherwise. As both Androids left, Vegeta was enraged that they both dared not acknowledge his greatness and followed them. Vegeta then challenged the Androids to a duel, leading #18 to accept Vegeta's challenge. As their fight commenced, the others realized that #18 wasn't losing any energy and stamina, which in turn caused Vegeta's fight to end poorly. Will our heroes be able to stop the newly freed Androids?

The Branwen's Sudden Intrusion!

#18 looked at Vegeta's pitiful state as a smirk began to form on her lips. A part of her welled up with satisfaction at the sight of the once Pompous, egotistical Vegeta, now reduced to a grunting whimpering mess as he holds his broken left arm. Just then, she sensed a massive spike in energy.


Immediately turning around, she narrowly dodged Klaus' sword, that managed to slice off a few strands of her hair. Like Vegeta before her, Klaus' hair was spiked upwards and golden, his eyes a teal green. Though, unlike Vegeta, #18 sensed a deep hatred from Klaus' presence alone, and it slightly terrified her.

"I won't let you kill my father, or anyone else!" Klaus screamed. "Not again!"


Before the others could jump in, #17 flew straight towards Klaus and knocked him to the ground. Jaune stood aback in shock. If a Super Saiyan Vegeta couldn't stop the Androids, then what good could Klaus, Fasha, or Oren do?

"Sh-Shit, this is bad...!" Jaune whimpered.

Both Piccolo and Cardin decided that it was either now or never and flew down to aid their friends. #17 glanced behind him, and effortlessly dodged Piccolo's sneak attack, while kicking the Namekian back. Cardin then attempted to attack #17, yet the android flipped over him, and placed him in a choke hold. Despite being in a position to kill Cardin, #17 hesitated. He doesn't want to kill him, just incapacitate him for the time being. Vegeta, still injured, saw that Cardin was vulnerable. "Grr, idiot...!" Vegeta quietly growled.

He then attempted to fly over yet felt someone grab his foot. Looking down, he saw #18, her hand outstretched grasping his boot. Klaus got up from his stupor and saw #18 holding his father. Enraged, he grasped his sword and dashed towards her. Seeing Klaus' intentions, #18 swung Vegeta like a club towards the Half-Saiyan, knocking him out. As Klaus' unconscious body hit the ground, his hair returned to its base form, confusing the android.

'Hmm, strange,' #18 thought to herself. 'His hair, it was golden, yet it's not anymore. What are they?'

Piccolo grunted as he got to his feet; Looking behind him, he saw that both Vegeta and Klaus were down. Looking up, he saw #17 still holding Cardin in a choke hold. Growling, he took off after #17. Looking underneath him, #17 dropped Cardin and narrowly dodged Piccolo's attack. After failing to hit the Android, #17 cocked his right fist back and punched Piccolo in the gut, Knocking him out. After Piccolo fell to the ground, Vegeta saw this as an opportunity to take the Androids by surprise. As #18 was distracted, Vegeta quickly stood up and fired a Ki blast. Much to his Chagrin, the female Android dodged his attack effortlessly, and leaped towards the Saiyan king, punching him to the ground. Groaning in pain, and spitting out blood, Vegeta attempted to get up, but found himself on his hands and knees. #18 walked over towards him, and looked at Vegeta with a condescending glare, before kicking him in the gut, knocking him onto his back. Winded from her attack, Vegeta desperately tried to gather as much air as possible.

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