Chapter 12: Raven's Unexpected Visit!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

After narrowly avoiding death, Cardin was saved by Yang And Fasha. After returning to the Terra-Cotta residence, they decided that now was the time to get to Atlas before more Androids would make their move. Arriving in Atlas, they were met with Weiss' elder sibling, Winter. Who in turn, brought them to the Schnee manor, their new house of residence until the Android threat was dealt with. Unbeknownst to the others, however, was that Penny was nearing the manor with #17 and #18 in tow. As the others began to devise a plan of action, Oren, who had been previously incapacitated by the effects of the heart virus, had finally awakened! Now that their friend was back, what will be their plan of action?

Raven's Unexpected Visit!

Pain, darkness, silence. Lazuli had experienced this all before.

"W-What? Where am I?"

By attempting to get up, Lazuli had found that she was immobile, yet there was nothing holding her down. Soon, the dark void turned back into an all too familiar place, a laboratory, HIS laboratory. Panic consumed her as her breathing quickened.

"N-No! No no no!" Lazuli screamed. "Get me out of here! PLEASE!"

Her cries had attracted the one man she despised to walk up to her. His mustache and balding head being the first thing she noticed.

"Ah, it seemed that the anesthetic didn't work," Gero said. "It doesn't matter. Soon, you and your brother shall be Gods among men; #21!"

Lazuli saw a woman wearing a checkered dress under a lab coat walk up next to Gero. Her long auburn hair reaching her lower back, and a pair of glasses resting on her face.

"Yes, doctor?" #21 asked subserviently.

"Prepare this one for conversion."

"B-But doctor, She's still conscious. Shouldn't she be sedated?"

Gero grumbled: "It doesn't matter, begin the process now."

#21 nodded as Gero walked away to view Lapis within his pod. #21 turned to Lazuli who began to struggle against her restraints. The Android looked upon Lazuli with remorse, as she saw her eyes watering.

"I'm so sorry," #21 said before closing Lazuli's pod.

#21 turned away just as Lazuli began to scream. Yet her screams were silenced as the pod doors shut, muffling her cries for help. Before she walked off, she heard the sounds of electric whirring, and a bloodcurdling scream mixed with sobbing. Soon, everything turned black, and a voice kept repeating on a loop.

"Kill Oren...Kill Oren...Kill Oren...!"

Immediately #18 gasped and fell out of bed. Grabbing her stomach, she began to shake uncontrollably on the ground taking deep breaths. Upon a closer look of her surroundings, she found herself in a nice comfortable bedroom. That's right, she and her brother had followed Penny to the Schnee manor back in Atlas. There, she had met the ones who had attacked both her and her brother. She had also met with Oren for the first time. Whilst being programmed to kill the Saiyan, she couldn't bring herself to do so. Before her long slumber, she remembered a young man peer into her pod before she lost consciousness. Little did she know that it was the one she was programmed to kill.

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