Chapter 10: Cardin's Do or Die Battle!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Our heroes had attempted to fight off Gero's creations, only to find that both #17 and #18 were far stronger than they had originally anticipated. Seeing that his past father was in danger, Klaus attempted to step into the fight, only to find himself effortlessly defeated, while the others followed suit. After failing to fight the Androids, Jaune attempted to demand what their end goal was. To his surprise, they wanted to know why they were created, to know their overall purpose in life. Unsatisfied with their answer, the brother-sister duo flew off to find their own answers. Hoping to gain new insight on this threat, Piccolo went to the only being he knew who would possess the power and knowledge he needed, Kami. He demanded that his other half merge once more, only for the Guardian of Remnant to decline. With the others, they had suggested that they move Oren to a newer location, Atlas. But in order to get to Atlas, they had to get to Argus first. Jaune's older sister Saphron let them stay at her home with her wife for the time being, until there came a knock on the door. Two members of the Branwen tribe in search of Oren led them to the Cotta-Arc residents. However, Cardin noticed that these two tribesmen weren't tribesmen at all; they were Androids. Not wanting to endanger the others, and to give them time to escape, he led them away from the city. Will Cardin be able to survive these two murderous Androids on his own?


Cardin's Do or Die Battle!


The tension in the air was nearly unbreathable. Despite knowing the two Branwen bandits were Androids caused Cardin to wonder if he could truly defeat them, especially knowing that he and the others couldn't hold a candle next to #17 and #18 when it came to power. His thoughts were quickly forgotten as they passed the coastline of Argus and neared a small island. Upon landing, Cardin surveyed the area, noting that they were indeed far away from civilization with no concern of civilian casualties.

'Good', Cardin thought, breathing a sigh of relief. 'There shouldn't be anyone living nearby. That should give us some room.'

The female Tribeswoman landed about two yards across from the young Huntsmen, with her blonde companion landing not too far away. "Nice," she said, taking in the scenery. "Seemed like you picked a nice tropical gravesite."

"Confident that you're going to win?"

"I'm always confident," the bandit replied, resting her hand on her hip. "I wouldn't be at where I am today if I weren't confident in me my ability to kill."

Cardin stared at her, silently studying his opponent. Her casual tone causing his spine to shiver slightly. 'She's speaking as though killing is as easy as breathing', Cardin thought. 'She sounds like Vegeta when he first came to Remnant.'

"Alright. If we're going to do this, I may as well know your names."

The bandit smirked. "Very well. I'm Vernal, of the Branwen tribe, as you're already aware." Vernal's smirk then turned into an annoyed sneer as she motioned her head towards her companion, a man with dirty blonde hair and a five-o-clock shadow. "And this is Shay." The man gave a juvenile pout after his introduction. "When he's not too busy being a pain in the ass, he can be quite capable...rarely."

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