Chapter 13: Secret Revelations!

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Whilst researching the glowing chip found from the remains of Shaye, Whinter had found that it had revealed many hidden laboratories around Remnant! It seemed that Doctor Gero was building an android army to march upon all of Atlas, then soon, the world. Seeing the imminent danger, Winter sent Jaune, Klaus, and Penny to investigate a lab near to the city. Meanwhile, Oren and the others were touring around the Schnee manor, when a mysterious woman with a white Grimm mask appeared before them. Yang recognized her as her long-lost mother, Raven Branwen. Whilst Yang wanted to know why her mother was there at this time, she also wanted to know why she had abandoned her and her father. Raven, it seemed, was after one person, Ruby. After a brief fight, which resulted in Ruby getting separated from the rest, Raven knocked her out and took her away. Will our heroes be able to rescue their friend?


Secret Revelations!


Ruby felt like she had the world's worst hangover, if she knew what a hangover was at least. Her mind felt like it was twirling, the sounds around her sounded sluggish. Groaning, she gently clutched her head sitting up. The light of the sun's rays hit her face, causing it to scrunch with discomfort.

"W-What the? H-How'd I... Where am I?"

Opening her silver eyes, she noticed that she was inside of a handmade wooding cage, large enough to house over a dozen captives. Looking around, she saw that she was in a large encampment surrounded by a large, sharpened fence that circled around the camp. Wandering around said camp were men and women of all ages doing various chores, like maintaining the buildings, to sharpening weapons. Many wore brown clothing with red sashes. Ruby noticed that their style of clothing reminded her of when she and her sister saved Cardin from the androids. As she continued to ponder her surroundings, she remembered what happened to her not too long ago.

"W-Wait, I was in Atlas!" Ruby exclaimed quietly to herself. "How'd I get here!?"

Suddenly, she heard someone walk up to the cage from behind.

"Well, well. Look who's up and about, did you have a good nap?"

Turning around, she saw a woman with short brown hair, blue eyes, and wore the same-colored clothes as the others around her. Yet Ruby knew this woman. She saw her with her estranged aunt Raven. From what she remembered; her name was Vernal.

"I-It's you!" Ruby cried out. "You were with Raven! Where am I, how did I get here!?"

The bandit laughed at the young Huntress, leaning against the wooden bars of the cage.

"Good, your perception of your surroundings is phenomenal," Vernal giggled. "But let me jog your memory for you. My boss, your supposed "Aunt" took you from Atlas. Why, don't know, not my business."

Before Ruby could say another word, Vernal opened up her cage. Ruby quickly attempted to use her Ki to escape from this tribe of murderous bandits but found that nothing happened. Vernal saw her confusion and leaned in close to the poor girl.

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