Chapter 3: Oren's Triumphant Return!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

A newly rebuilt Frieza, along with his father, King Cold had invaded Remnant in search of Oren. But before they could begin their onslaught, a mysterious boy stood in their way. The boy single handedly killed Frieza's entire army before revealing an incredible secret. He too, was a Super Saiyan. Frieza thought the boy was bluffing before he transformed before them. His post-traumatic stress caused the once mighty emperor to cower in fear before the boy, who in turn sliced Frieza in half with one clean stroke of his sword. Who is this Mysterious boy? More importantly, what does he want?


Oren's Triumphant Return!


King Cold couldn't believe what he had just seen. His son Frieza was sliced in half before him by this strange boy. Both King Cold, and the boy began to descend onto a small hill; neither taking their eyes off each other. King Cold glared at the boy, before smirking.

"You're talented, boy," King Cold complemented. "Excellent work. It seems like you Super Saiyan's are more than just a myth, and exceeded my expectations," King Cold began. "You defeated my son Frieza and appear none the worse for wear," King Cold said, disregarding his now dead son. "If you're interested, I seem to find myself short of an heir. With your incredible strength, you'll make a worthy addition to my clan," Cold said, attempting to entice the boy with promises of power and wealth. "Think about it. You'll be like a prince, this world, and countless others will be at your fingertips."

The boy looked at Cold with a bored expression.

"Pfft! Sounds lame," The boy said, brushing off King Colds offer.

King Cold continued to smirk at the boy, while secretly gritting his teeth.

"You dare turn up your nose at my offer," Cold quietly seethed. Attempting to turn the conversation, Cold glanced at the boy's sword. "By the way stranger," Cold began. "I'm rather curious about that sword of yours. It must be quite a piece of workmanship. Truly, how else could you have drawn it for my son with such ease," Cold complemented, before opening his hand. "Mind if I take a look at it?"

The boy stood there, silently glaring at King Cold.

"Come now," King Cold said, attempting to ease tension. "You're not afraid of being without it for a moment or two?"

Soon, the boy began to smirk back. He gripped the handle of his sword, and slowly drew it out of its orange sheath. He flipped the sword over so that the blade was facing downwards, before tossing it to King Cold.

"Alright, here." The boy said nonchalantly.

King Cold caught the sword before admiring the blade.

"Hmph. Just as I thought," King Cold said to himself. "Whoever forged this sword is quite the master swordsmith," Cold remarked, before gripping the sword with both hands. "I'm thinking, perhaps the only reason you were able to defeat not only my son Frieza, but our entire army was because you had this sword in your possession," King Cold theorized. "Does that sound about right?"

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