Chapter 4: Transient Peace!

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Mentions of rape, and violence against minors are mentioned in the beginning half of this chapter. If these topics disturb you, please skip ahead. Viewer discretion is advised.

Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The mysterious Super Saiyan had effortlessly defeated both Frieza, and his father, King Cold! To everyone's confusion, he told them that he was off to meet Oren and knew when he would arrive. Taking him up on his offer, they waited three hours for their friend to come home. Just as the boy predicted, Oren did in fact arrive when the boy said he would! After reuniting with his friends, the boy asked Oren to speak with him privately. It turns out that the boy's name was Klaus, and he came with a shocking revelation. Klaus had traveled back twenty years from the future and was the future son of both Vegeta and Weiss! Klaus spoke of two incredibly strong Androids, and with their destructive power, left Remnant in shambles. Also, he informed Oren that he would die from an unknown heart virus. Thankfully, Weiss from the future had created a cure, and had tasked her son to deliver it to Oren to prevent his death. How will the others think of this new threat one year from now?


Transient Peace!


After watching Oren, and Klaus from a distance; the small black raven flew away, satisfied with the results it heard. For a few miles, the bird kept to the sky, until in the distance it saw a cloud of smoke rising into the air. As it flew closer to the smoke, the raven could hear the delicious sounds of pained screams. Upon landing on a nearby tree, the raven observed the carnage happening below. Men and women wearing reddish brown clothing were currently raiding a small town below. The raiders wore the colors of the Branwen tribe; a notorious bandit tribe known for showing no mercy to their victims. Below, some bandits of the Branwen tribe had cornered a small group of women, some holding their infants close to their breasts. Many of the bandits forcefully ripped the infants away from their screaming mothers and proceeded to bash them against the houses killing them. Some of the more depraved of the Branwen tribe began to violate the women, and even the children as well. All throughout the town, men, women, and children were being raped and murdered, whilst having their goods be stolen.

The raven perched atop the tree proceeded to lean backwards and fell to the ground. Instead of bird falling to the ground, there was a woman in its place. She wore a red and black shirt, a short black battle skirt and black shorts. Red scaled bracers were covering her forearms, whilst wearing black thigh high boots. Her hair almost resembled that of Yang's with a red bandana. Clipped to the right side of her hip was a Katana. Her red eyes scanned the carnage before her and licked her lips in cruel satisfaction of the suffering before her. In her mind, these people deserved to die; they were weak and incapable of protecting themselves. Their goods rightfully belonged to them, and them alone. As the last of the townspeople were killed, the bandits piled their bodies in a large mound for transport. As the woman approached the ruined town, a younger woman with short hair and bright blue eyes smiled before approaching her.

"Raven," The woman greeted.

The women now revealed to be Raven Branwen smiled back, before looking at the destruction before her.

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