Chapter 8: Androids Unleashed! Vegeta vs Android #18!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

The Hunters had gone off in search of Dr. Gero, who had fled into the mountainside of Mout Glenn. In hopes of finding Gero faster, the Hunters split up to cover more ground. However, it seemed as though Gero was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. He spotted Piccolo by his lonesome and attempted to steal his energy! However, due to his quick thinking, Piccolo had managed to telepathically communicate with Ruby, who saved him from Gero's clutches. Angered at letting himself being surprised by Gero's attack, Piccolo proceeded to face off against the elderly android. Elsewhere, Klaus had returned from the future, and came across the damaged remains of #19. Knowing that these weren't the androids he had fought in the future, Klaus flew towards mount Glenn. At the same time, Weiss, Ren, Nora, Velvet, and Coco were flying towards mount Glenn aboard a Bullhead. When Klaus had arrived, he revealed that this wasn't the androids, that he had fought in the future. Seeing the Bullhead nearing, Gero shot a Ki blast in hopes of distracting the others, allowing him to escape. After saving their friends, Vegeta flew after Gero in a fit of rage, with Klaus following after him, calling him father. Will the others find Gero before he makes it to his hidden Lab?


Androids Unleashed! Vegeta vs Android #18!


Piccolo, Cardin, and Jaune were scouring the surrounding mountainside for Gero, with no luck. The freezing temperatures making it feel nearly impossible to complete this task.

"Hmm. So, Gero's hidden lab is somewhere in these mountains, right?" Piccolo asked

Jaune shivered from the cold.

"Brr, the old man could've done us a favor and choose a warmer location," Jaune complained.

Cardin crossed his arms and let out a long-irritated sigh: "What's the plan, Piccolo?" Cardin asked, unsure on what to do. "The mountain range expands as far as the eye can see. Not to mention that Gero can sense our energy, yet we can't sense his."

Sighing, Piccolo spoke up.

"I hate to say it, but it's the best chance we have," Piccolo spoke. "We're going to have to split up again. If you find anything, signal the others, do NOT go alone!" Piccolo warned.

"Signal the others, huh?" Jaune said. "And what do you have in mind?"

"Raise your power as high as you can," Piccolo replied. "We'll notice that."

"Good thinking, Piccolo." Cardin said, before each flew in a different direction, in hope of finding Gero. Elsewhere, Gero saw a large opening in the side of the mountain and smirked.

'Good, I made it!'

Jumping towards the large entrance, Gero spotted a large metal sliding door. Before he could walk closer, he sensed someone nearby. Quickly hiding away, he looked into the air and saw Jaune. The young hunter had found the large entrance that led into Gero's hidden lab.

"Th-There it is!" Jaune exclaimed. "Gero's hidden lab! I've got to tell the others!"

Hidden away, Gero stayed as still as he could, watching Jaune fly away.

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