Chapter 5: The Androids Fated Arrival!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

After Klaus left in his time machine back to the future, both Oren and Piccolo told the others of the Android threat one year from now. To better prepare, everyone set off to train for the Androids. During this year of peace, Oren, Yang, and Blake made up for lost time during his time on Namek. Later, Oren had found out that Blake was pregnant with his child! After nine long months, Blake gave birth to a healthy baby girl who they named, Pan. With the year almost over, everyone is training even harder than before. Will they be able to stop the Android threat? Or will the world fall to ruin?


The Androids Fated Arrival!


A year had passed since Klaus relayed the news about the Androids. And within that year, many things had happened. Both Oren and Blake had a child, a daughter they named Pan. Oren, Yang, and Blake would take turns watching over Pan during the times when they were in classes. Ruby and Weiss would gush at the sight of little Pan, always volunteering to watch over her. To prepare for the Androids, Oren, Piccolo, Ruby, and Cardin would train during the off time from Beacon to train. The others trained in their own way, on their own terms. Vegeta and Fasha would use Whitely's spare space pod and use its gravity chamber to grow stronger. Vegeta trained especially hard after witnessing both Oren and Klaus transform into Super Saiyan's.

'Damn you Tato,' Vegeta angrily thought. 'And damn that other boy! How dare they become Super Saiyan's before me! ME! King Vegeta the fourth!'

Vegeta would continuously push his body beyond its limits, vowing to never stop until he has surpassed his brother. Seeing that Vegeta was using the large space pod, Whitely had developed a room in their large compound that worked the same as it did in the gravity chamber. Using it to its full extent, Vegeta trained day and night, so much so that it actually made Weiss worry. Every day she found herself dragging Vegeta's unconscious body out of the gravity room and nurse his wounds. During this time caring for Vegeta, Weiss found herself drawn to him. More so because, Neptune would go weeks without seeing her, and would always be evasive with what he's been doing.

Finally, the fated day when the Androids would appear has arrived. Oren, throughout this process found himself growing weary and afraid. Klaus had given him the heart medicine and had told him to take it if he ever felt the symptoms of the heat virus. But that was the problem. He didn't know what the symptoms were; nor has he felt anything wrong with his body. In the early morning, the sun was still in the process of rising. Oren lay in bed with Yang and Blake laying on either side of him. In a crib in the same room slept his daughter, Pan. Despite him loathe to admit it, his was terrified of his supposed death. He didn't want to leave his family and his loved ones. He especially didn't want to leave his newborn daughter. Ever since her birth, Oren refused to leave her side, and stayed with her constantly.

Groaning, Yang stretched as she woke up. After rubbing her eyes, she noticed that Oren wasn't in bed. Looking around, she saw that he was putting on a new Gi; one without the symbol of the turtle hermit school, or his family name. Oren turned around and gave Yang a smile.

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