Chapter 5

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     Ryan nodded to Lena, smiling down at her gently as he rubbed her cheek. "I swear Lena, I'll go and help them. I'll tell them about how heroic you were, I won't let your death be in vain."

     Lena's eyes welled with tears and she gazed softly above Ryan at the colorful sky above. She whispered to him the address of where her group was staying, which turned out to be Amber's house. Her last few words flew from her lips softly, and Ryan focused hard to make sure he heard her.

     "Please tell Patrick I'm sorry, and that I love him." Her little smile slowly faded as her eyes closed shut, all form of life leaving her body. Ryan felt his own tears well up, and he sobbed against the overbearing sun. He looked down at Lena as he pushed the hair out of her face, her body seemed to be shining with perspiration that almost made her seem alive. When Ryan's tears finally dried he grabbed the green blanket out of his bag, putting it over Lena to cover her body and respectfully laying her to rest.

     'If there really is a god, please take Lena to heaven.' Ryan silently prayed, doing anything he could to give Lena peace.

He quickly shook his head as a headache formed, wobbling as he rose himself up. In one fluid motion he jumped the gate and landed softly on the other side. Since the apocalypse began he had worked hard on his stamina and agility, trying to raise his odds of survival as much as possible.

He travelled along the road in the direction to where the group was staying and checked every car for a working engine. He finally found a small working white car that would work perfectly. It was basically a mom car, and had two rows. The first row had two seats with the middle of the two being empty to act as an aisle to the back row, which could seat three. It would be perfect for their travels, and Ryan decided to leave it there as he grabbed the rest of the group first.

He started walking on the road again, invisible to the zombies as he passed by thanks to the scent. Ryan was glad that the scent could be used in this way, but disappointed that more people didn't know of this fact. If so, then there would have most likely been many people who could have avoided their deaths, such as Lena.

Ryan's thoughts were dispelled as he heard his second scream of the day in the distance, and he took off running wildly towards the sound, his heart thumping in anxiety. He couldn't, he really just can't lose another one of his friends. His heart wouldn't take it.

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