Chapter 14

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     Ryan made it into the supermarket with no problem, avoiding all of the zombies as he searched for the canned or packaged food area. He found it quickly, and was pleasantly surprised when he saw that the shelves were completely stocked. His backpack was soon completely full of cans, and he grabbed several big sacks from the bagging area to use to bag up more cans. He moved onto the water and got several bags of that as well, soon realizing he had grabbed too much as he had five huge bags of items, not including his heavy backpack.

     Ryan was about to just shoulder it and walk out when one of the zombies caught his attention. It was staring right into his eyes, and it's eyes seemed to move when he moved. Ryan felt a chill run down his spine and his sixth sense told him to run, but he shook it off as the food and water blinded his senses.

     He went to once again move the bags when the zombie started to approach him. Ryan finally started to listen to his head and quickly abandoned the bags on the ground and walked to the right, going towards a different aisle to avoid the weird zombie. To Ryan's horror the zombie also followed, continuing to approach him no matter where he moved to.

     Ryan felt dread fill his stomach as he finally realized. The zombie can hear. Ryan felt fear engulf him as he tried as silently as he could to walk around another aisle before crouching down and sitting as silently as possible. He watched as a boney hand slowly came around the corner, followed by a rotted body as the zombie approached.

     It's sunken eyes seemed to find Ryan's, and he couldn't keep from shaking as it drew closer and closer. When it finally seemed to reach Ryan it simply paused, before continuing forward. Ryan felt relief fill his body as he calmly watched the zombie walk away.

     His eyes filled with surprise when the zombie once again stopped, and it's head slowly turned back to Ryan. It met his eyes another time, and Ryan felt like it couldn't be a coincidence. It can see?

     It shuffled little by little to stand in front of Ryan, before crouching down in front of him. Ryan felt pure fear grip his heart as he gripped his gun in his hand, not daring to move even a little.

    "Hello."  A deep and shaky voice sounded in the empty silence. Ryan felt his entire being shake as he had never been so surprised in his life. The fucking zombie just spoke. It literally just said hello. How the fuck?

     Ryan didn't know what else to do, he just stared at the zombie in amazement. The zombie seemed to attempt a smile, though  the half missing face made it a little difficult. It raised its hand as if it wanted a hand shake, and waited patiently for Ryan to reciprocate. Ryan just stared at the hand for a moment, before slowly lifting his hand and placing it into the zombies.

     If some zombies really were intelligent it could prove extremely helpful in finding a cure. If he could get this zombie to go back with him, if he could introduce the zombie to some scientists... his thoughts were interrupted as he felt a small pain from the hand the zombie held, and he looked down to find the zombies nail pressed lightly against the palm of his skin.

     Ryan felt shock as he saw the wound, and intense fear filled him as he realized what the zombie just did. No matter how strong the blood and guts from a zombie was, it would never be enough to mask the scent of human blood. The zombie had just drawn the scent that would cause every zombie in this market to swarm him.

     Ryan looked up at the zombie in fear, and that thing held a cruel smile as it looked at him. "Bye bye." It mocked at him.

     Ryan shook in fear as he pushed the zombie off of him, grabbing his pistol as he tried to steadily aim the weapon at its head. He fired the gun almost immediately, but the zombie was too quick and avoided the bullet. Ryan tried to shoot it twice more but it avoided the shots again, quickly scuffling into another aisle. By this time every zombie in the area was now making its way towards Ryan, and Ryan felt panic as he looked around for some way out. If he couldn't find a way out, then he was going to die.

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