Chapter 15

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Ryan looked around desperately as he looked for a means to escape, and felt stricken with fear when he couldn't find any. A zombie was now upon him, and he fired another one of his bullets into its head as he backed up. He ran to the right, which had less zombies, and fished out one of the vials that held premade blood, tossing it towards the left.

Once it shattered it seemed to smell stronger than the blood trickling from his palm as the zombies charged towards that direction. It only lasted for a few seconds however, as the blood wasn't as fresh as his just opened wound. Soon the zombies grew uninterested in the vial and headed back towards Ryan. He pressed against his wounded palm in an attempt to stop the bleeding as best as possible, but the wound had been surprisingly deep.

He saw a small path open through the zombies and felt like he had a small glimmer of hope to get out of the market, and he took it. He charged ahead, shooting zombies that tried desperately to latch onto him. He pushed the dead zombies back into the others in an attempt to slow the crowd down. Ryan could see the empty air as he approached the entrance, and felt relief as he broke through, only to feel a strong hand grip his arm.

To his horror, he was yanked backwards into the pile of zombies and onto the ground. His eyes looked up made eye contact with that smiley bastard zombie. He didn't have much time to curse at the bastard as he felt teeth pierce his skin in several places, causing him to scream out. He struggled to shoot the zombies on top of him, and felt hopeless as pain filled all of his limbs.

Slowly, he felt his conscious leaving him, and the last thing he remembered was the soft rays of the sun beating down above him.

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