1. Alone

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Sunshine floods the room around me lighting every corner of the space. I stretch my feet out in the large bed as I roll over onto my back. The soft sheets seem to melt against my body making it incredibly tempting to just fall back asleep.

I allow my eyes to drift closed as the sound of piano floats up between the floorboards.

I sigh contently as the sunlight warms my face. Slowly I sit up swinging my legs out of my bed and make my way across the room towards the large window.


I push open the window more and look down into the large garden space below. I smile widely as I hang my torso out of the window, my eyes land on a wooden table on the patio. It's laden with breakfast food and even from here I can tell there is more food than necessary.

"Good morning" I smile at the two people sat at the table, one of whom is smiling back at me and the other sipping on champagne.

Blaise waves his hand at me in greeting "are you coming down for breakfast? It's nearly noon."

Mrs Zabini tuts pulling her sunglasses from her face, she turns her head to her son "now, now Blaise leave her be. It's summer, if ever there was a time to sleep all day and party all night, then it's summer." She gracefully puts her sunglasses back on before tilting her head up to look at me "stay where you are mon cherie. I can always have one of the elves bring you up some champagne for breakfast?"

I laugh slightly "that's okay thank you Mrs Zabini, I'll come down and eat something now."

I walk from the window over to the large wardrobe and change from my pyjamas into a light summer dress. I run down the stairs excited to start my day.

Merlin thats a weird feeling.

These past two weeks have been countless weird feelings. From the moment I left the ministry I immediately felt lighter.

I knew I couldn't return to Hogwart's, I couldn't face seeing Harry, Hermione, Ginny or Dumbledore again. Instead I flew to the one place I knew I could be alone.

I flew to Grimauld Place.

Sirius had mentioned how the Order members don't really come over anymore and seeing as most of the Order was still in the ministry I knew I'd have a few hours at least.

Immediately after arriving I tracked down Sirius' owl and sent a letter to Blaise begging him to meet me at his house with all my stuff as soon as he could.

Within two hours I had received a reply from Blaise telling me to go to his house in Belgravia and that his mother will be waiting for me.

Honestly I was just grateful to get out of Grimauld Place by then, the whole house just felt like a graveyard for all those lost.

Since then I've spent my time sunning at Blaise's various holiday homes with him and his mother. I haven't heard from anyone at all. Not Pansy, not Harry, not Hermione and not even Draco. I'm rather grateful for the lack of communication really, it's allowed me to wipe my mind of anything and be truly happy.

"That breakfast was amazing thank you Ziti" I smile down at the house elf who is clearing the table.

The house elf smiles back at me wordlessly before making her way back into the house.

Mrs Zabini offers me a cool relaxed smile "I find it so refreshing how polite you are dear, I'm so glad. Some guests we've had over before have no manners at all, you'd think after all their years of private education that they would at least have the bare minimum." She turns to Blaise now "what's your plan for this evening darling? Are you going to stay in Greece for a bit longer or are you moving on?"

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