13. Lets start with a bang

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It's cold, I never really notice just how cold it is at Hogwarts but going from the south of England to the highlands in Scotland really makes you realise how different the temperature is.

Snow falls lightly down on the roofless carriage as Draco and I sit opposite each other. Our whole journey back to Hogwarts has been silent.

I look across the thick forest as the carriage continues on its route, the thestrals making soft breaths occasionally.

"How does it feel to be back?"

I look away from the trees and focus on Draco, he is watching me with a deep frown on his face.

I shrug weakly "I don't know yet." I wrap my arms around myself "it's not what I wanted."

The carriage pulls to a stop and Draco stands up "not normal enough for you?" His tone is slightly mocking as he climbs down.

I narrow my eyes at him "why are you being like that?" Ever since that damn meeting he has barely said two words to me. We packed our suitcases in silent, and continued this awful tension all the way back to school. Any word he has said to me has been full of hatred or no emotion at all.

We begin to walk side by side into the castle the warmth wraps around me as we walk towards the dungeons.

Draco let's out a long breath "it's time to grow up Angelica. There is no normal anymore. Theo wasn't going to solve that, stop moping and move on. You have things to be working on don't you?"

We enter into the common room as I feel myself growing angry "I need to grow up?" I pull him to a stop at the entrance of the boy's dormitory. "And please enlighten me what it is exactly that I should be working on?" My words are razor sharp as I glare across at him.

Draco narrows his eyes "how about starting with protecting your mind." He begins to walk towards his dorm, as he reaches his door he turns back around to face me his face angry "that way we don't have to lose any more friends before the school years over."

Merlin I really do not want to go to breakfast this morning. I slept maybe an hour or two last night, my mind was preoccupied with thinking of comebacks that I could have said to Draco.

Why do I always think of them afterwards? Why can I never think of them on the spot for Merlin's sake?

I cross over to the Slytherin table taking an empty spot at the end of it, I certainly can't eat but I will drink my body weight in coffee that's for sure.

"Morning" Draco slides in besides me looking just as tired as I am.

"Fuck off" I take a sip of my coffee and slide several centimetres away from him.

"Very mature" Draco shoots me a sideways glance as he reaches for the coffee pot also.

"Well you did tell me I had to grow up didn't you?" I show him my middle finger before I go back to staring into my mug. I look up slowly as I feel someone watching me, my eyes lock with Harry's across the room and he offers me a nod of his head.

Remembering how my father saw him in my memories I quickly look back down into my coffee ignoring him.

I can't care. It's better this way.

Draco clears his throat "Blaise isn't coming back."

I whip my head up and look at him my mouth open slightly "what?"

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