7. Mood swings

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"Your cat is strange you know that right?" Theo sits besides me on the large sofa in the common room, his lap is piled high with books as he looks across at me.

I sit cross legged with Moody laying upside down in my lap, his tongue is hanging out his mouth and his eyes are closed. Soft little snores sound from his mouth as I scratch his stomach gently.

"He isn't strange" I smile down at my grey cat "he's perfect."

Theo laughs "your cat disappears for weeks at a time and then randomly just appears and sleeps upside down with its tongue out. Are you sure he's really a cat?"

I roll my eyes "that's what cats do you idiot. Anyway aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"

Theo looks at the watch on his wrist before groaning loudly "oh for fuck sake. Dippet is going to kill me." He throws his books onto the floor in front of him instead grabbing his bag and running from the room as he shouts goodbye to me.

I watch him leave and see Draco walking into the common room his uniform hanging loosely from his body.

"Heya Draco" I smile as he falls into the seat Theo just vacated.

Draco nods at me "hi" he closes his eyes and leans back into the large leather sofa.

I sit still watching him, his face is paler than usual and the bags under his eyes are growing everyday.

"Draco?" My voice is gentle as if talking to a baby bird. Malfoy's eyes open slowly and he raises an eyebrow at me in question. I put on a very sweet smile as I tilt my head "will you take me to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

"Huh?" Draco runs a hand down his face as if he is just waking up "why?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead keep the very fake smile on my face "I miss you. I want to spend time with you, plus I need to get some bits and pieces and I really don't want to go shopping alone."

Draco sighs "can't Nott take you? I'm sure he'd fucking love that."

I shake my head "he has detention. Anyway I want you to come with me, that's why I asked you." I let out a heavy breath as I look up at him "Draco I'm lonely okay? I don't have Blaise, I don't have Ginny or Poppy. Pansy is always off with someone else and Theo is always in detention. I really need someone to just spend time with." I cross my arms "I sound fucking pathetic don't I?"

Draco shakes his head "no you don't." He grabs my hand "you're right, let's just go. It will be nice to spend some time together."

"You look cute, where you off to?" Pansy looks up from her bed and tosses her witching magazine aside.

I stand at the end of my bed adjusting my tights "thanks." I smile at her "Draco and I are just heading into Hogsmeade."

"Ooh finally" Pansy sits up "a date?"

I shake my head at her "no Pans, not a date. Just two friends hanging out." I stand up and look at myself in the mirror. My once again black hair seems to be darker than ever as I pull it up out of my face. "Can I borrow your red lipstick?"

Pansy nods and summons it over with her wand "here." She lays back down "so what's going on with you and Draco I can't keep up?"

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