14. Poisoned glances

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"Dark magic has effects on the person who uses it, there are short term effects and long term effects. Of course some spells leave marks on those who are hit by the dark magic, for example scars, but some spells also leave a mark on the person who wields the magic. Marks that are much deeper than the skin, dark magic takes the mind first and then the soul until all that is left is an empty shell controlled by the evil."

Well that's fucking cheerful isn't it? I shut the large book in front of me and slide it over instead picking up the next one in the pile. Much of my January has been like this, sat alone in the library rifling through whatever books I can steal from the restricted section.

I open the large book and take in the spells before me, curses and hexes that I can't even begin to comprehend fill my mind.

"There you are" I turn around to see Harry standing behind me his hair poking up even more than usual.

"Hey" I turn in my chair and gesture to the one besides me "take a seat if you want."

Harry nods and sits sideways in it facing me, he rubs his hand in his hair as he looks down at the books on my desk.

"How are you?" His eyes widen slightly at the books before he looks back at me "how's things?"

I shrug "I'm fine."

"Really?" Harry leans backwards raising his eyebrows at me "are you really?"

"Yes Harry." I close the book in front of me so I can avoid Harry's eyes "why do you suddenly care?"

"Suddenly?" He plays with his wand between his fingers "I've always cared about you. I may have fallen out with you over the years but I never stopped caring about you." He furrows his eyebrows "I can tell something is going on with you, everyone can. You barely eat, you spend all your time alone in the library and when you do walk around the school you have a permanent frown etched into your face."

I laugh dryly "oh Harry you really need to stop talking." I turn to him my face icy "you never stopped caring? You broke my arm playing quidditch, you told me you were glad our so called parents were dead because they'd hate me, you interrogated me about my loyalties and told me you'd never truly trust me." I smirk at him "but what you never stopped caring about me right?"

Harry clears his throat "regardless. I still care about you." He crosses his arms across his chest "plus you're not one to talk. You tell me that I've lost you for good and then turn up on Christmas Day at the Weasleys."

"I was alone."

"It doesn't matter, you still turn up out of nowhere." Harry runs a hand over his face "look I only came to speak to you cos I can see you changing." He reaches out taking my hand "I know we fall out basically every week and go from hating to loving each other but at the end of the day if you're in a bad place I will be there for you."

I stare down at our linked hands and notice how much paler my skin is compared to Harry's, we had always been similar complexions but compared to him today I seem like a ghost.

I slowly pull my hand out of Harry's my heart sinking "I'm fine Harry." I offer him a weak smile "times are changing and I am also but at the end of the day I'm okay."

Harry nods "fine. As long as you promise you're okay?"

I resist the urge to roll my eyes "I'm okay."

Harry stands up "okay good. I'll be around if you need me."

He walks away from me and turns right to head further into the library.

I let out a long sigh as I look down at the books in front of me, I need to go to sleep. Stacking the books up I take them in my arms and head deep into the library to return them to their spots.

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