5. The Slug Club

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Narcissa stands opposite Draco and I her hands by her side. Her face is paler than usual and her eyes flit about the platform nervously. Her usual confidence is missing and instead she gives off the feeling of extreme discomfort.

Draco adjusts his clothes as the train lets of a large amount of steam, the platform is full of students all excitedly hurrying on and off the train. Sad parents and families wave goodbye to the students as trunks and animals are passed around.

In contrast Draco, Narcissa and I are all dressed in black and barely moving. Silence falls over us as we all try to block out the whispers and snarky comments being aimed at us. Lucius' name is mentioned and Narcissa practically flinches. The Malfoy name really has not been the same since last summer and I know that I am to blame.

I look at Draco who has a bored expression on his face, his eyes shift away from the wall and meet mine. For a brief second I see the mask slip from his face, embarrassment and sadness fills his eyes before he looks away again.

He attempts a smile to his mother, he rests his hand on her left shoulder and squeezes it slightly "you should be getting back to the manor now." He gestures to the train "Angelica and I should find our space in the Slytherin carriage."

Narcissa shakes her head "no no I want to wait until the train leaves." She raises a shaking hand and pushes the hair away from her face.

A sharp pain fills my stomach as I realise just how hard it is for her being here. This is the first time she has had to stand on this platform without her husband besides her, she has never had to wave her son off to school alone. After she has she then has to return to her manor alone, whilst death eaters work downstairs and she continues having to deal with her husbands mistakes tarnishing the image she has spent years building up.

I smile comfortingly at her "honestly Mrs Malfoy, Draco and I can make our way onto the train alone. Plus when we get into the Slytherin carriage you won't be able to see us anyway." I gesture to the entrance of the platform "plus it is going to rain soon and it's better you get home in time to make sure all the garden door's are shut. Nothing worse then rain on mahogany floors."

Draco nods in agreement "she is right mother. We left all the doors open before we left to get rid of the smell from the floo powder remember? Too many people are coming in and out and you said the house was starting to smell horrible."

Narcissa looks back and forth between us both, she suddenly seems so small and unsure of herself. She sighs once and nods "you're both right." She turns to me and pulls me into her arms, I can feel just how thin she is as her bony fingers press against my spine.

"Angelica dear take care of yourself okay. Your father has asked Professor Snape to keep him updated with how you are doing at school, make sure you study hard and listen to Snape at all times okay?" She steps back and watches me intently "I mean it Angelica. Listen to Severus okay?"

I nod mutely, I have no idea what to say so instead I just nod again "okay Mrs Malfoy."

Draco steps towards his mother "we should get onto the train."

Narcissa turns to her son and places her hand against his cheek, her eyes water as she looks at him her mouth pressed into a thin line.

"Draco" her words come out a soft whisper and her voice catches in her throat.

Suddenly I feel as if I am imposing on something very private between the two of them. I step backwards and turn around facing the train crossing my arms across my chest, watching the students hurry past me.

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