16. I will choose you, every time

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"You've missed breakfast" Pansy's voice jolts me awake.

"Huh?" I sit upright my blankets wrapped tightly around my legs from tossing and turning all night.

Pansy laughs at me as she grabs her wand and cardigan "you missed breakfast. I told Daphne to wake you up but she obviously forgot. Classes start in like twenty minutes."

"For fuck sake" I practically fall from the bed as I run into the adjoining bathroom, turning the shower on whilst I begin brushing my teeth.

"You look fresh" Crabbe calls out as I run across the common room my bag in my hand and my tie still undone.

"Don't even start with me Vincent!" I glare over at him as I continue running from the room heading straight to potions.

"Sorry I'm late professor" I fall into the classroom as I continue doing up my tie, my bag hanging from my shoulder and my hair knotted and still in the loose ponytail I slept in.

"Ah Miss Riddle!" Slughorn waves me inside "no matter, no matter. Just take a seat at the desk in the back."

I walk across the classroom my cheeks growing hot as everyone seems to be following me with their eyes. As I take my seat I reach up and begin to re-tie my hair into what I hope is a more acceptable and neat ponytail.

"So as we were" Slughorn smiles around the room "today we are going to be learning about the correct consistency of some of the most complex potions out there."

I begin to flick through my textbook as Slughorn's words wash over me. I read through the different potions and once again it hits me that if I was to leave Hogwart's right now I could do what I wanted.

I could cast spells, charms and curses. I could use my magic to brew any potion in this book and no one could stop me as I don't have the trace on me anymore.

I am so used to my birthday being half way through summer, but now as soon as school ends this year I can begin to use my magic as I wish.

"Okay everyone for next lesson I would like an essay on how to properly identify the wrong consistency and to read the next three potions in the text book." Slughorn dismisses the class with a wave of his hand as he turns back to rifle through the bottles on his desk.

As I am leaving I turn around expecting to see an empty classroom and instead I see Harry lingering in the shadows as he watches me leave. What is he doing hanging around?

"Angelica" Hermione gently grabs my wrist pulling me to a stop outside of the potions room.

"Hey Hermione" I offer her a soft smile as I try to tuck my shirt into my skirt one handed.

"Did you have a late night last night?" Hermione laughs as she takes my books from me so I can continue to tuck in.

"Oh thanks" I finish making sure my uniform is near before taking the books back from her and shake my head "was just a hard day yesterday so I didn't sleep too well."

"Right I heard about that" she tilts her head slightly "how are you feeling about it all?"

I resist the urge to laugh and instead offer her a very tight smile "I suppose it's just another lie to add to the pile right? Sure it was a shock at first but you know like Draco pointed out at least I can begin to take my apperition lessons."

"That's true!" She nods her head enthusiastically "Ron and I will be in the class as well so that will be good. She looks down the now emptying corridor "I better get going but Happy Birthday Angelica."

I wave goodbye to her as I watch her blend in with the other students around her. I begin to walk in the opposite direction when another hand grasps the sleeve of my cardigan.

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