34. Sicily will be the death of me

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"Where do you think everyone is?" Theo looks around the empty outdoor space behind the villa.

"They must be getting ready for dinner" I pull him gently into the villa "let's go find our room and get settled I guess."

Theo smirks "our room?"

I laugh and turn to face him as we come to a stop outside the doorway to the kitchen.

"You can go back to flirting with me that easily?" I look at him with a smile on my face as I lean back against the wall behind me.

Theo leans on the wall across from me, our bodies no more than a few feet away from each other.

His eyes are dark as he licks his lips quickly "oh I was always up for flirting with you. Who wouldn't be?"

"Well you've been distracted lately" I pull the hem of my sundress and play with it as I step towards him slightly "but seeing as we will be sharing a room now..." I drift off and tilt my head at him.

He laughs loudly "that was almost convincing." His eyes are bright as he smiles across at me, and I smile back at him. Just two friends who need to help each other.

He reaches his hand out to me and I take it squeezing his fingers tightly.

"It's going to be really hard isn't it?" My voice is soft as I look up at him.

"Yeah." He runs his other hand through his dark brown curls "we just need to remember what we are doing it for."

"You mean who" I whisper as my throat catches "we need to remember who we are doing it for."

"Right" he laughs softly "so should we talk about boundaries and things?"

I open my mouth to reply when footsteps sound from above us, we both stare at each other wide eyed and frozen.

Without a second of hesitation I cross the space between us and wrap my arms around his neck pulling Theo's lips to mine. He stays unmoving for a second before he appears to understand and he begins to kiss me gently and awkwardly.

"Harder" I whisper against his lips "more realistic."

Theo grunts slightly as he pushes me backwards so I am pressed against the wall and his body. He grips my waist with one hand and fists my hair in his other. We kiss quickly but our tongues stay firmly in our own mouths. Empty air passes where passion and lust should pass, my stomach clenches at just how wrong this feels but instead I focus on Theo's warmth and his smell.

Sea salt, coffee, fruit and faint cigarettes fill my nose and I focus on those four smells as Theo presses against me his movements stiff.

"Holy shit" a voice says from behind us both.

I push Theo away slightly my cheeks burning as I turn to see all of our friends stood watching us.

Blaise and Xavier are stood at the front watching us with wide eyes and smiles on their faces. Pansy is stood behind Xavier her eyes fixed on Theo and Theo alone, whereas Draco is stood behind all of them his face completely unreadable as he stares at the ceiling.

I freeze and let go of Theo's hair my heart thumping in my chest. The awkwardness is heavy in the air as I stare between our four friends.

Theo however merely laughs softly before slowly pulling away from me, he positions himself so he is standing behind me with his arm wrapped casually across my chest.

"You guys really know how to fuck up the moment don't you?" He leans down and kisses me hastily on the cheek "I'm going to find our bedroom Ang, you can either come with me and we can finish what we started."

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