15. Happy 17th birthday

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"So you can't play Quidditch?" I stand at the end of Ron's bed in the infirmary looking down at him.

"Nope" he grabs a handful of the biscuits I bought him "I'm still too weak and drained. The shakes have stopped completely thanks to you and your work on the night but the poison has just completely taken away all my energy."

I nod my head "sure makes sense."

Ron let's out a long sigh "bloody McLaggen is taking my spot as keeper. Harry tried his best to wait for me to recover but I just couldn't get better in time."

I offer him a small smile "your recovery is more important than a quidditch match."

"Not if we lose it isn't" Ron doesn't smile back at me as he takes a large bit of a chocolate bourbon.

"I'm sure it feels that way." I gesture towards the infirmary door "I better get going before the match starts. I just wanted to see how you were doing."

Ron nods "yeah thanks, and I know I've said it already but thank you again for helping me that night. Madam Pomfrey said I would still be shaking and having mini seizures if it wasn't for your work as she was too busy to whip up the draught."

I shrug "of course Ron." I wave at him "I'll see you later. Rest up."

I turn and walk from the infirmary feeling a sad pain for the ginger boy being left behind.

"Um hi everyone."

I turn in the stand to look towards the commentators tower.

"Seriously?" Crabbe groans from behind me "they've got Loony Lovegood doing the commentary?"

I laugh slightly at Luna in her colourful outfit sat behind the large microphone.

"Well at least it will be entertaining" Goyle mutters back as Hufflepuff and Gryffindor take their places on the pitch.

Throughout the match poor Harry is seen flying around trying to chase the snitch whilst also having to remind McLaggen he is a keeper and not every other player on the pitch.

"Oh dear" Luna muses her voice as dreamy as ever "Smith from Hufflepuff has barely managed to hold that ball thing for more than a minute. The poor boy is probably suffering from a case of losers lurgy."

I let out a loud laugh as I look up at the Hufflepuff who was mentioned, his cheeks are now bright pink as he glares over towards Luna.

"Merlin this might be the worst Gryffindor has played in years." Crabbe brusts out laughing as McLaggen flies away from his spot to tell a chaser where to fly.

Goyle laughs loudly with him "Draco is going to hate himself for missing this one."

I turn around to face the two boys "have you seen him lately?"

Their smiles drop and they shake their heads, all the time keeping their eyes on the players in the air.

"Nope" Goyle shrugs "we asked if he was coming and he said he didn't fancy it and he was going to do some work instead."

"What work?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Dunno" Crabbe says without any interest. He suddenly points into the air "he's taken the bloody beaters bat!"

I turn around quickly looking back up into the air to see McLaggen with the bat in his hand swinging straight for a bludger.

"Fuck!" I let out a loud yell along with everyone else in the stadium it seems.

A loud crack sounds as McLaggen hits the quaffle with all his strength, the ball soars through the air striking Harry square in the side of his head.

"What the fuck?"

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