2. Hello Father

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"Ah there she is."

"Fuck" Draco mutters into my ear as he steps first out into the room, his hand is tightly incased in mine as he angles his body so I'm mostly blocked.

I look around and see we are stood in a large dining room, wood panels line the walls and other than the large table in the centre of the room it is completely empty. From what I've seen from the rest of Malfoy Manor they like their expensive paintings and furniture.

This room however seems almost surgical in comparison. The walls are dark mahogany and as is the floor, there are no carpets or rugs, no pictures of any sort and only a large marble fireplace fixed to the back wall.

The dining table is made of the the same wood as the floor, it is long, half the length of the house tables at Hogwarts I would guess. Every seat around the table is full except from several empty seats.

I peak around Draco's shoulder to see every face looking at us, the air is tense and the room is dark in spite of the candlelit chandelier above us.

"Draco move out of the way so I can see my daughter" I can hear footsteps growing closer to us, the sound of bare skin hitting the wooden floor echoes around me.

Taking a deep breath I squeeze Draco's hand once before taking a large step sideways so I am now in full view of everyone in the room.

I avoid looking at the many faces in front of me and instead focus on the closest to me. A pair of piercing eyes look back at me, eyes identical to mine.

A distorted smile comes across Voldemort's face as he walks closer to me, his long fingers are wrapped around his wand which is held against his chest. His black cloak drags along the wooden floor as his eyes do not break from mine.

"Draco take a seat." His words are a command and leave no hesitation for a counter argument.

I squeeze Draco's hand once more "go sit down Draco." I whisper quietly but everyone in the room can clearly hear it.

Draco sighs as he releases my hand, he doesn't look back at me once instead his eyes are fixed on someone who is sat at the table.

His mother.

He walks to her side and takes a seat besides her, I see their hands clasp together quickly. Neither make eye contact however they are both now fixated on myself and my father.

"So Angelica" Voldemort closes the gap between us "how was your summer with the muggles?"

I bite down the urge to inform him that I have instead spent the summer with Blaise, knowing this would be a stupid mistake and put Blaise at risk, instead I shrug my shoulders.

"It was fine." My voice is quiet as I look anywhere but into those terrifying eyes.

A cold, bony hand suddenly grabs at my face turning it so that I am now looking directly at Voldemort.

"Look at me when you are speaking to me girl." His voice is a hiss as he glares at me his eyes changing from a pale blue colour to a slight red tone.

He releases his hand and takes a step back his body now angled at the others in the room "my daughter returns to her rightful spot." He waves his arms dramatically as he looks around "she is at my side. As she is supposed to be." He walks over to the table standing behind the chair at the head of it, he looks back at me and gestures his hand at the empty chair besides him.

Resisting the need to sigh I pull my shoulders back and walk forwards, my high heels hit roughly against the wood. Each step causes a bang in my ears, it takes every ounce of effort to not flinch at each step.

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