27. The party and the wedding

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"Blaise where did you find this dress?" I run my fingers over the delicate fabric and let out a soft sigh.

We are standing just outside the large French doors which lead down into the garden. The party is in full swing on the grass in front of us, music is playing from a live quartet, servers are passing champagne and canapes around and people are laughing and talking as the sun shines brightly above.

He laughs as he picks a piece of lint off his sleeve jacket "well I got your letter a few days ago saying it was safe to come home." He raises an eyebrow at me "not that I believed it of course, but then Draco sent his letter as well and it was slightly more convincing."

I roll my eyes "well I didn't know where you were so I could hardly just turn up!"

He tilts his head "no I suppose not. After we got word from Snape though we were certain it was true so we headed to Paris, I had about three hours to find you, me and my mother an outfit." He smirks at me "it was extremely stressful but also the most fun I have had all year."

I squeeze his hand "well I am immensely grateful, I just wish I had been prepared and had a present ready for your return."

Blaise nudges me with his shoulder "its fine you can just get me two Christmas presents."

I laugh and turn to him "you ready?"

Blaise tenses his jaw "no."

I let out a long breath "me either but we can't leave Narcissa and your mother down there alone." I grab his hand tightly "come on let's do this."

"So you spent the last year in France did you young Zabini?" A stuffy middle age man smiles at Blaise.

Blaise flinches backwards as the man smiles wider showing all the food in his teeth.

"Yes I did." Blaise looks at me his full of clear disgust he gestures with his head and I nod.

"Well it was lovely to talk to you" I wave at the man as I grab onto Blaise's arm tightly "but we really must go speak to Mrs Malfoy." I pull Blaise away quickly and we both burst into laughter as we turn around.

Blaise wraps his arm around my shoulders and leans in to my ear "did you see all that food in his teeth?"

I try to hold in my laughter as we walk towards his mother and Narcissa. Oceane Zabini is standing tall and laughing with her best friend, her hair is braided and the braids are pulled back into an elegant low bun. Her skin is glowing and her eyes are bright as she looks around. She is wearing an elegant white dress which makes her skin look even darker and more tanned than usual. Her eyes spot Blaise and I and her whole face lights up.

"Darlings!" She reaches for her son's hand squeezing it tightly as she looks between the two of us "are you having fun?"

Narcissa lets out a small laugh "this can't be very fun for you, having to speak to all these stiff ministry workers."

I shrug and smile at her "actually it is quite fun." I look at Blaise "he is making it fun for me."

Mrs Zabini smiles at me "he has certainly missed you dear, you were all he spoke about all year."

Blaise rolls his eyes "you make me sound like a weirdo mother."

I laugh and rest my head against his shoulder "oh don't worry I was exactly the same and I can say I am proud to be a weirdo about you Blaise."

Blaise laughs and throws his arm around my neck as Mrs Zabini and Narcissa both smile warmly at us.

"Speaking of weirdo's" Blaise looks over his shoulder "where's Draco and the others?"

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