36. The wrath of the Dark Lord

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"Hello Daughter" my fathers blue eyes burn brightly as he smiles at me. His pale face looks out of place when surrounded by us all with our sun kissed skin.

He raises his wand quickly and soon every witch and wizard in the room who once fought against us, is now frozen on the spot. Allegra is stood frozen with her eyes wide and her wand raised, many others around her are frozen in similar poses. One thing they all have in common however is the fear that is clear in all of their eyes.

Xavier and Blaise let out relieved breaths as they lower their stolen wands, Xavier looks around the room and heads into the small bedroom in silence. He walks back out quickly with all of our wands in his hand as well as my bag.

"Oh thank Merlin" I say as I throw the wizards wand I had taken to the side, I gratefully take my own off of Xavier and relish the feeling of it in my hand. I take my bag and throw it over my shoulder before looking back to my father.

"How did you get here so fast?" I ask as I move in the tiny apartment to stand beside my friends.

My father tilts his head in that snake like way and smiles coldly "I received word from Narcissa that something may be wrong. Apparently your mother" my father looks towards Blaise "had not heard from you in the space of one day and thought that was troublesome." There is a judgemental tone to my father's words as he looks at Blaise slowly.

Blaise's cheeks grow pink as we all turn to look at him, he scoffs dismissively at our gazes "what? I like to write to my mother at least once a day!"

I smirk and turn back to my father as my face drops "so were you in Sicily when I summoned you?"

My father pauses and shakes his head "I will explain everything in detail my daughter but first I have to deal with these witches and wizards who dared to hurt you."

I feel my friends freeze around me and I understand their worries.

"Father" I step forward as he raises his wand at the first wizard on the floor "I do not believe there being any worth in everyone staying here to kill and torture these people. Perhaps some of us can go back to the villa to pack up, we want to get out of this country as quickly as possible."

Icy eyes meet mine and I see the curiosity burning in them as he looks between myself and my friends.

"You want to leave?" His voice is deadly as he gazes over at me.

"No!" I talk quickly as I desperately try to correct myself "no of course I don't want to. I want to stay here and help you punish these people who dared to lay a finger on Draco and I." I gesture to my friends "I just don't see the point in them all staying is all."

My father drags his eyes to Draco "and what about you? Are you too weak to stay?"

Draco's face is a mask as he looks at my father unblinkingly "of course not my Lord.

"Fine" he waves dismissively over at me "send two of your friends to the villa and the rest of you will stay to help me clean up this mess."

Without having to look between my friends I already know the answer, I turn to them and nod at Pansy and Blaise "you'll both go?"

Blaise looks to Xavier with his eyes wide and full of worry but Xavier offers him a tight smile in return and says "yeah, it's best if you guys head off. You can pack everything up and have the jet ready." He gives Blaise a quick kiss before pushing him towards the front door gently.

Pansy grabs onto Blaise's arm and they both walk quickly from the flat without giving my father a chance to change his mind.

"So" I walk forward to where my father is looking over the frozen people "what do you intend to do with them father?"

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