26. The French Revolution

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I apparate in front of the large, black metal gates and smile to myself. I really feel hopeful for the first time in a long time, I tilt my head back slowly and bask in the midday sun for several seconds. Sighing contently I walk up the long gravel path waving at the peacocks who merely watch me unimpressed.

"Hello?" I call out as I push open the thick wooden front door, the house is deadly silent and small dust particles shine in the light as I move forward. I turn to my right to see Narcissa sat in one of the large arm chairs in the main sitting room, she opens her eyes slowly and offers me a sad smile.

"Hello dear" she pulls her legs up onto the chair like a little child and hugs her knees. She is wearing some kind of white long night dress with a black shawl wrapped around her shoulders. Her hair is limp and hangs down her back and not in its usual styled bun.

"Can you call Draco downstairs for me please?" I ask as I fall down onto the seat besides her "if I call him he probably won't come."

Narcissa raises her eyebrows slightly at me but does not say anything. Instead she presses her wand tip to her throat and calls Draco's name. It echoes loudly around the large manor, after several seconds footsteps sound from above.

Draco runs into the room his wand raised "what? What is it?"

I widen my eyes and lean back slightly "why do you have your wand out?"

Draco sighs as he looks between his mother and I "why did you yell for me like that?" He runs a hand through his hair and sits down on the sofa opposite us "I assumed you were dying" he glares at his mum.

She smiles at him "well thank you for coming so quickly dear, it is very reassuring that should anything happen to me you would be on hand to help."

I let out a small laugh and lean back in my chair.

"So?" Draco looks at me his face bored "what was so urgent?"

I sit up straight and smile widely at them both "I have excellent news." They both watch me in silence their faces both as blank as each other.

"I went and saw my father today" I avoid Draco's gaze and instead turn to his mother "I asked him for a favour."

"What do you mean a favour?" Draco's voice is sharp as he watches me.

I ignore him and stay looking at Narcissa "he said he will allow the Zabini's to return home, and Theo."

She smiles very slightly "that's nice dear."

I shake my head "no that isn't it." I reach over and take her hand in mine "he said he will get Lucius and the others from Azkaban. By the first of August."

Narcissa's mouth drops open wide "ten days?"

I nod enthusiastically "ten days!"

Narcissa laughs loudly "he will be home in the next ten days."

"That isn't all, I told my father that we should throw a party. On the first of August as a display of power. He agreed and asked if you would organise it is a coming home for them all as well as a way to show people who has the Ministry in their palm. We need to invite all the high up members as well as the usual crowd."

Narcissa sits up straight now her face full of joy "I have a party to plan in ten days and I need to prepare the manor for the return of my husband." She smiles brightly and stands up, she walks to me and kisses me on both cheeks roughly "you really are a wonderful girl Angelica."

I feel my cheeks go pink as she walks from the room laughing.

"Merlin there is so much to do!" She laughs loudly as she walks up the staircase to her room.

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