19. We work together or not at all

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Warmth hits my cheek as my body begins to stir. My neck is stiff as I turn my head slowly, I open my eyes blinking away the heaviness.

I lift my head away from the crisp sheet beneath my face and look around to see I am still sat in the same chair just bent awkwardly over leaning on the hospital bed.

Draco's legs are stretched in front of me and he sits upright in his pyjamas watching me carefully.

"Ang" he reaches his hand out to my face.

"Fuck off" I slap his hand away and push back the chair, I stand up quickly however I stumble awkwardly from my dead legs.

"Ang don't be like that" Draco leans forward resting his arms on his knees "I am so sorry. I had to do it okay."

I glare down at him grabbing my wand off the floor where it must have fallen in the night "no you didn't. You did not have to fucking drug me."

I turn and walk away heading out of the hospital wing without looking back even once.

I look down at my watch and see that it's five o'clock, looking out of the windows I can see the sun is close to setting so I know it's the evening time.

Great I've missed a whole night and day.

I walk towards the common room my legs dragging heavily, before I can make it there however a strong wave of nausea hits me and I find myself having to run into the nearest girls bathroom.

I stay on my knees huddled over the toilet rim with sweat dripping from my brow, I've read about bad reactions to sleeping draught's before so I'm hardly surprised.

Groaning I lean backwards pulling the chain of the toilet and opening the door of the toilet behind me. I lay down with my back against the floor my legs still on either side of the toilet bowl.

The nausea thankfully seems to have passed, however I stay laying on the cool tiled floor too scared to move. A heaviness is pulling my head down keeping it rooted to the tiles, I stare above me at the white ceiling. A weight is pulling my eyes closed and I feel myself falling backwards through that dark tunnel once again.

"Poor sad Slytherin girl."

I feel a cold wet feeling pass over my cheek waking me from my deep sleep.

"The fuck" my voice comes out in a deep croak as I open my eyes. They take several seconds to adjust to the darkness in the bathroom.

I push myself up into a seated position to see Moaning Myrtle sat opposite me with her legs crossed.

"Myrtle" I nod at her as I rub the sleep from my eyes "how long have you been there?"

She giggles "oh several hours. When you sleep you remind me so much of your father."

I raise my eyebrows at her "well that's a horrifying thought thank you." I stand up stiffly "what's the time?"

"Late." She smirks up at me.

"Helpful" I roll my eyes at her and walk from the bathroom attempting to comb down my hair. I look down at my watch and see the golden hands showing that it's nine o'clock at night.

Well I might as well finish my patrol for the evening before going to bed, then I can hand over to one of the other prefects and actually try to sleep in my bed tonight.

I pull my wand out of my pocket and spin it aimlessly between my fingers as I think about Draco. He drugged me last night to sneak off and work on his stupid mission, the mission I have begged him to let me help with.

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