8. Romeo and Juliet

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"Miss Riddle there you are!" Slughorn waves me down in the corridor.

"Oh for fuck sake" I mutter to myself, as I walk the remaining distance to him and plant a fake smile on my face. "How can I help professor?"

Slughorn chuckles "my dear it is in fact I who is helping you. I will shortly be sending out invites to a very exclusive party I shall be hosting."

He pauses as if he is expecting me to gasp or clap. Instead I stare at him with a very neutral expression, an uncomfortable silence passes between us before Slughorn clears his throat awkwardly "right anyway." He continues on with a wide smile "of course you will be on the guest list there is no question about that of course. I was just hoping that you would verbally confirm your attendance now you see."

I shrug "oh um sure?"

Slughorn pats me on the back "oh fantastic my dear girl! Now that you've confirmed I can inform the other special guests that you will be attending." He walks away from me without a goodbye. Even with his back turned I can practically see the massive smile on his face.

"Hey Ang" Theo plops down besides me on the sofa in the common room. He hands me a black envelope "this came for you today some first year gave me it." He holds up another identical one "I got one as well."

Pansy, Blaise and Xavier all walk over towards from the entrance of the common room.

Xavier smiles "ah you both got one as well? See Blaise you're not the only one getting creepy mystery post."

The three of them sit down on the sofa opposite us, Pansy is looking at the envelope in Theo's hand.
"Go on Theo open it! I am dying to know what's inside." She leans forward eagerly.

Theo sighs "let's just open them all at the same time."

I shrug in agreement and begin to tear open the envelope, I pull the thick card out and read the gold embossed letters.

Dear Angelica Riddle and her chosen guest,

You are cordially invited to Horace Slughorn's annual Christmas Party.

At eight o'clock on the twentieth of December

Held in Professor Horace Slughorn's office

Notable guests who have confirmed attendance this year are:

Gwenog Jones
Barnabus Cuffe
Eldred Worple (and his guest a real vampire!)
Harry Potter
Angelica Riddle

Please RVSP. at your earliest convenience

"Oh for fuck sake" I throw the invitation into the fire roaring besides me.

"Special guest?" Theo looks at me his eyes lit up with humour "and special guest Angelica Riddle?"

I glare at him "don't you dare laugh."

Theo holds his hands up in mock surrender "oh I wouldn't think of it special guest Angelica Riddle."

Blaise and Xavier both laugh gently as they read over the invitiation in Blaise's hand.

"This is mortifying." I cross my arms angrily as I glare at the burnt remains of my invitation.

"What's mortifying?" Crabbe asks as he and Goyle sit in the arm chairs besides us.

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