3. The Malfoy's garden party

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"I didn't realise how much planning goes into one garden party" I wipe my sweaty forehead as I look around at the decoration in the garden.

Narcissa chuckles "I must say it's my favourite part, it always has been. When I was younger we would host dinner parties and I always enjoyed writing the place settings. As soon as the people begun arriving I would feel overwhelmed. Often the whole party is actually just anticlimactic. The build up and anticipation to it is my favourite part truthfully." She smiles at me "I'm glad you're here Angelica. It's always nice being able to do this with someone else."

I smile appreciatively at her "I'm guessing Draco isn't a big fan of planning parties then?"

Narcissa looks back down at the list in her house elves hand "no not really. His father on the other hand" Narcissa looks up towards their home "he loves the planning." She sighs gracefully "that's why this is so hard for me. I miss having him by my side to do this with me."

I cross my arms tightly over my chest "I'm so sorry Mrs Malfoy. It must be hard him not being here for the party this year."

Narcissa tuts "throwing a garden party at all is bloody ridiculous if you ask me." She suddenly looks around nervously "of course I know why the Dark Lord has asked me to do it, it's important that the Malfoy's are still seen as a powerful and important family. We have a lot of swing with ministry workers and if they know what side we are on they'll be more likely to join."

"Mrs Malfoy the linen delivery is here" a squeaky voice speaks from behind us.

"Right of course, lead the way" she nods once at me offering a tight smile "feel free to find Draco dear we are done for the day" she walks off quickly behind the house elf her high heels hitting the expensive patio stones.

I wander slowly into the large manor making sure to avoid the areas which Draco helpfully informed me the death eaters spend their time in. I head straight to the first floor and find Draco sat in his fathers study. Multiple large leather bound books are laid out on the large desk in the middle of the room. Draco is sat in the leather chair behind it his head in his hands as the books turn their page by them selves. Draco's eyes appear to be shut however and his soft breaths show he is basically asleep.

I quietly close the thick wooden door behind me and walk over to where he is sat, I look down at the books in front him and see a whole mix of hexes and spells. A few of the books appear to be in Latin and judging by the diagrams these are more complex then any spell that gets taught at Hogwarts.

I lean forward and pick up the closest book to me, turning it over I run a finger alone the embossed words on the front.

"Magic: the dark and the dangerous.
Everything you need to know about time and space."

I raise my eyebrows slightly as I place the book back on the desk.

"Hey" Draco's voice is thick with sleep as he turns his head slightly looking up at me, his hair is messy and he has giant bags under his eyes. As he smiles at me however he looks so handsome and grown up it suddenly occurs to me just how much Draco has matured in this summer alone.

"Hi" I smile at him apologetically "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's fine I'm grateful for the company" he pushes his chair back and reaches an arm to me "come sit down" he takes my wrist lightly and pulls me forward until I'm sat in his lap.

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