4. Lovers to enemies to what?

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"Mmph" I kick my legs out restlessly and feel something trapping me.

I reach down expecting to feel my normal pyjama shorts and instead feel tulle. Lots of tulle.

I look at my legs and see my dress from yesterday flayed out in the bed. I tug annoyed at the tightness of the bodice and curse myself for not changing before going to sleep. I roll onto my side and freeze as my nose hits another persons nose.

Slowly I pull my head backwards as my eyes take in Theo's sleeping face. The blanket is pulled up over his shoulders and his breaths are heavy and deep.

I gently lift my body out of the bed attempting not to wake him in any way. As I tip toe from the room I look over to the door of the en-suite bathroom and see a very familiar pair of suit trousers. I open the door as my cheeks grow pink at the idea that Theo is in my bed without his trousers on.

As I close the door to my bedroom a sudden wave of sickness hits me, my head begins to spin and I can feel in my stomach that something isn't right.

"Fuck" I grab the wall as the bile in my throat rises.

Of course I have a hangover. Drinking bottle after bottle of champagne will do that to you I suppose.

I stumble my way to the kitchen desperate for some water or just anything to get rid of the dry burning sensation in my throat. My bare feet slap the large marble tiles in the kitchen and suddenly noise hits me. I turn the corner and see so many house elves doing various tasks such as chopping, slicing, stirring and dicing up food.

I clutch the doorframe as I look inside the smoky area, the smell of bacon hits me. My stomach begins to churn and it takes every ounce of effort to not throw up.

"Excuse me" my voice is hoarse as I call out desperately to anyone who can hear me.

The house elves carry on obviously unable to hear me and too absorbed in their work to see me.

I sigh and grab onto the doorframe even tighter "excuse me!" My voice is much louder this time and sends a shooting pain through my head I clutch a hand to my forehead as about twenty little heads turn to me their eyes wide with surprise.

"Oh Miss Angelica!" Little voices all over lap as they all start to fuss over me. I smile down at the small group and wave my hand in greeting at them all.

"Hi everyone, sorry I don't mean to bother you but I was hoping you guys could help me." I take a deep breath through my nose as a wave of nausea hits me. "Can someone please get me a massive glass of water" I look around "and also...I don't suppose you guys have any hangover cures of any sort do you please?"

All the house elves begin to move at once a flurry of small hands and snapping fingers as spells fly about the room. One of the house elves leads me over to a stool in the corner handing me a glass of water. I sit down grateful to be off my feet, I gently rest my forehead against the wall and close my eyes. My breaths grow slower as I feel myself relaxing more and more, the cold tiled wall relives my headache and the noise of the house elves moving around is soothing and makes for relaxing background noise.

A hand clasps my shoulder shaking it gently "Angelica?"

I open my eyes slowly and look up with half opened eyelids. Draco stands above me a slight smirk on his face as he looks down at me his hand still on my shoulder.

Confused I look around to see several houses elves standing still all staring at me with wide eyes. I whip my head back to Draco and stand up quickly as embarrassment rolls through me.

"How long have I been here?" The words fall from my mouth as I grab my forehead in pain. Why did I stand up so fast, that was not a good idea.

Draco seems to be holding back a laugh as he looks me over "don't ask me, I just came in to ask what was for lunch. I turned the corner and saw you asleep on the stool." He looks me up and down slowly "well judging from your outfit I would assume you've been here all night." He laughs as he takes in my expression.

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