25. Fathers will

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My body jumps awake and I sit up quickly looking around the dark room with my eyes wide. My heart is racing in my chest and I can feel the sheets wet with my sweat.

I look out of the large open window and see the moon shining brightly above. Groaning I swing my legs out of bed and stagger awkwardly to the attached bathroom. The light turns on and the mirror above the sink shows me my own sad image.

My dress is creased and hanging from my body awkwardly, blood coats my cheeks and chin although it has now dried and cracked the horror is still the same.

I look away and my eyes land on the mark on my arm. Annoyed I turn the taps of the bath on and pull my dress from my body. I throw the dress into the corner of the bathroom and step into the warm water grateful for the feeling.

I sigh gently as I ease myself further into the bath dipping my head backwards letting the water completely cover my face. I sit back up and look down at the now pink water my stomach twisting uncomfortably. Normally I would want to spend an hour in the bath but seeing the slightly bloody tint to the water is making me feel dirty still.

I step out of the bath making sure all the blood has gone from my skin before wrapping myself in one of the largest towels I can see.

I find my pyjamas buried in the covers of my bed and pull them on.

My stomach lets out a deafening growl as I straighten up. I walk from the room my wet hair twisted on the top of my head into a bun.

My wand hangs loosely in my hand as I make my way along the dark corridors. The old house lets out creaks and whines as many old estates often do. I place my foot on the first step of the grand staircase when a loud yell causes me to freeze.

The hair on my arms stand up on end as I listen to the now silent house. Suddenly a second yell sounds out and without a thought in my head I find myself running as fast as I can towards it. My wand is ready and raised in my hand as I smash open the two wooden doors.

"Lumos Maxima" I yell as I look around wide eyed. The light illuminates the entire space which is when I realise it is Draco's bedroom.

My heart pounds as I run forward to his bed pulling aside his massive duvet and blanket.

"Who has this many fucking covers in summer?" I huff out as I pull off the thick green throw to see Draco in the middle of the bed.

His eyes are screwed shut and his hands are pressed against his ears as he writhes in pain. He lets out another yell of pain as he kicks his legs out.

"Draco?" I shout at him and grab at his wrists attempting to pull his hands from his ears. He shakes me off however his eyes snapping open before they squint half shut against the bright light.

"Sorry" I mutter and draw the light down into a small single ball hovering in the corner of the room.

Draco stops moving and his eyes close once again, his breathing grows heavy and slower and within seconds he seems to be in a deep sleep.

I stay standing my chest rising and falling, the adrenaline in my body is racing around still. I wave my wand and close the large bedroom doors. I slowly lower myself into the bed awkwardly, I am so confused and unsure that I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.

I place my wand on the bedside table and slowly shift onto my side to watch Draco, there is a foots distance between the two of us. I lay there with my hands pressed between my thighs, laying on my side with my eyes open watching him.

Draco lays on his back, his chest is bare and his pale skin seems to shine in the light from the orb in the corner. His eyes flutter occasionally in his sleep but he mostly lays calmly and unmoving. A strand of his blonde hair hangs down over his face, the front of it now so long it touches the top of his cheekbone.

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