31. The aftermath

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"Ah" I bring a hand to my head slowly as I keep my eyes closed, a stabbing pain above my right eye grows and the pain spreads down my neck.

Groaning quietly I slowly open my eyes to see the shining blue sky above me, the sun is still at its highest but thankfully it is briefly behind a cloud. I push myself up into a sitting position and look around me as the stabbing pain in my head eases.

"Hello?" I look around me for any of the others but see I am alone in the garden. I look down at my dress and see blood splattered across the front of it from where Blaise was attacked. It is still covered in dust and my own blood from the ceiling collapsing at Theo's home.

I stand up slowly and reach for my wand that is still laying on the ground, as I stand back up my vision blurs and I feel a terrible pain in my head. I stumble slightly and press my hand against my face as I begin the walk back to the manor. I walk through the large french doors and look around at the destroyed room, scorch marks line the walls and priceless antiques still lay broken on the hardwood floors.

I turn and see Pansy sat in one of the unbroken arm chairs, she has a thick blanket wrapped around her and she is curled into a ball with her hands clutching a steaming mug of tea.

"Hey" I say softly as I walk towards her.

She looks up from her cup and offers me a very small smile "hey."

"How are you feeling?" I drop down onto the footstool besides her and wrap my arms around my legs.

"Better" she hesitates for a second "thanks."

I nod slowly and suck in a deep breath. I look around the room as an awkward silence passes between us.

"Where are the others?" I ask as I avoid her eyes.

"Blaise was carried to the wine cellar by Mrs Zabini and Xavier, think they've set it up as a make shift infirmary." She shrugs "no idea where the others went, Draco gave me this tea and then left quickly with his parents."

"Right" I stand up "I'm going to go check on Blaise then."

Pansy reaches her hand out and takes a hold of my wrist, I turn and look at her with my eyebrows raised.

"Thank you" she shakes her head slightly "Draco said that you sucked all the dark magic out of me and took it for yourself. I think you probably saved my life, so thank you."

I nod "it's fine. I mean it wasn't completely selfless, I needed the magic to defeat him anyway."

Pansy smiles warmly "you're never able to take the compliment are you? What you did today was amazing and you saved all of our lives. So thank you."

I offer her a tight smile "yeah, no worries." I step out of her clasp and offer her a wave "I'll see you later."

Pansy nods as she takes a sip of her drink her eyes now fixed back on the floor in front of her. I walk away from her my heart sinking slightly. Things still feel so awkward and stilted between us, it feels like days have passed since her blow out at me but it was in fact, only this morning.

I walk down the wooden staircase to the wine cellar quickly as the scent of blood hits me. I push open the large oak door and step into the stone lined room. Blaise is laying on the table in the middle of the cellar, bandages are wrapped tightly around him and yet blood still pours from his body. He lets out screams of pain as he clenches his eyes shut. Xavier is pouring a potion into his mouth and running a hand over Blaise's sweaty forehead. Mrs Zabini is cursing loudly as she waves her wand desperately at her sons wounds.

"Merlin!" I yell out as I run to my best friend looking desperately down at him "what happened?"

"It's getting worse" Xavier grunts as Blaise lets out a particularly loud scream "no matter what we try he just keeps bleeding. We are managing to keep him alive by giving him blood replenishing draught but hes in so much pain."

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