C60: True Ura P1: Assault on the Golden Temple!

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Max and Sophi were chilling at Max's apartment, finally, after Denzel kindly drove them there in his taxi for no cost. Max was checking out the two new Gstones that he won from Tom after their death match.

Max: Gstone Track Terror and Gstone Cargo King...They're pretty good but I still refuse to use them.

Sophi: If you don't want them, can I get them off of you?

Max: No! The Gstones aren't toys, they'll make you a target just holding on to them. All kinds of sickos want these cards in their dirty hands. I'll keep them safe.

Sophi: But I thought you said you'd help me find new excitement in dueling? You know as well as I do that I'd keep them safe just as well as you would.

Max: That's true but eh. I wouldn't feel right about it.

Sophi: C'mon.

Max: You should get some sleep if you're coming tomorrow.

Sophi: Ugh, I can't believe they're having another memorial when there was one just a couple of months ago...

Max: I know but it's good to remind ourselves of our lost friends.

Sophi: I guess so.

Max: They talk about that little boy Geo who wasn't found. Wasn't he crushin' on you?

Sophi: Oh please hush.

Max: Haha. Man, I only have two more days to come up with 100 dosh and I have less dosh now than at the start of this week...I'm actually broke.

Sophi: Just think, if you let me duel in that Death Game match, I wouldn't have created a new card out of no where and would have won and therefore would have gotten the dosh you needed and then some. That's life 'spose.

Max: Can't believe Granny Ura won't even advance me 100 dosh. I got no money to eat let alone pay this rent.

Sophi: And you've been doing a good job keeping stuff in order at the Temple, that place was falling apart.

Max's stomach rumbled.

Sophi: This is pathetic...You are a regional champion. You could get signed, y'know?

Max: Really?

Sophi: Yeah! DuelNet is in Glostol with their prize poster boy.

Max: Who's that? And what's DuelNet?

Sophi: Ugh, you sure live under a rock. DuelNet are a pro duelist agency. They sign people and make them rich in exchange for their soul.

Max: What!?

Sophi: Just kidding! Haha, you just gotta be a good duelist, nah a great duelist. And you gotta have at least some exposure in the pro circuit, which you had at the Heart of Cards Tourny!

Max: Wow, do you think I have a chance of being signed and going pro?

Sophi: Eh, not as much as I would but I don't have the exposure. But you're pretty good so go for it! Oh but I guess you should wait for tomorrow...

Max: Why's that?

Sophi: Well tomorrow is there last recruitment day, and nothing is going on today.

Max: Ah okay.

Sophi: Let's go to the Golden Temple, I bet I can convice Granny to give you the dosh early. She'd probably forget she gave it to you and pay you in full on pay day too!

Max: Sophi! You can't hustle family!

Sophi: I know I was kidding! Let's go! Call your buddy to give us another lift!

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