Trust and Dumplings - CH.32

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Sitting together in silence, the two looked away from one another. It was an awkward feeling but wordlessly they could agree it was something that was needed to get out of the way. "Ya' know.. Normally I think I woulda been more freaked out being with someone who used to kill for fun. But.. For some reason, I can't really bring myself to feel anything about it." Naruto mentioned slowly. In truth, with anyone else this might have been a deal breaker for him. But in the world the two lived in, dying or being killed was inevitable. The only ones who could had a chance at a peaceful life where the villagers they where being trained to protect and assist.

"They where all black book criminals." Gaara replied to break the silence. Finally able to bring himself to look away from the window and to the blonde beside him. "Most of them wanted dead for their own murders.. I just took the opportunity and the excuse." The vessel shrugged off the memory. Since a young age, it had been expected of him to be his village's pawn. A tool and weapon they could use to remove any threat to their home. As well, to the somewhat corrupt elders, a means of removing their opposition. Something that never sat right with the vessel. Even when his own father deemed him an uncontrollable failure because of the beast inside, He was still expected to do his duty to Suna as a nin. Looking down, Gaara could feel his hands getting clammy and shaking. He wasn't cold though, rather he was feeling anxious and stressed. Worrying deeply that Naruto would leave him if he went into too much detail or was too vague about his past. "I've never killed someone before.." Naruto muttered softly, getting the attention of the other. "Really?" Gaara replied, earning a swift nod from the other nin. "Never.. but I know that one day I'll have to.." He admit openly, knowing that one day it would be expected of him by the leaf to take out high risk enemies. But for now, he didn't want to think too much on the future if it didn't have to do with the two of them together.

Sitting up and removing himself from the chair, the blonde stretched and looked out the large wall length windows that lead to the apartment's balcony. Seeing the dark cloudy sky that threatened to rain. "But! We can talk about that later. For now, I'm starving!" Naruto said suddenly without warning, a shallow laugh following as he tried his hardest to break through the tension of their conversation. "You should hop back in bed and get some more rest though. I'll make dinner tonight!" Naruto mused, hands on his hips with a confidant smile that easily contradicted the somber and serious look the other had worn not moments ago. "I'm not tired." The redhead lied, Not wanting to lay down and give chance to the demon within him to take over. "I didn't say you had to sleep dummy. I'm just telling ya' to lay down and take a rest. Relax your body and let the medicine Sakura gave you do it's magic!"

"I don't believe in magic." Gaara stated plainly as he stood up to follow the blonde, not understanding the other's euphemism to the point it could have hit him and he still wouldn't have realised. "That's not... you know what— just go to bed" Naruto laughed, figuring out quite quickly that he was going to have to get used to using literal terms when around the other. That or he would have to start slowly teaching his socially inexperienced boyfriend the more common terms and sayings people in his village used.

Watching the other give up on trying to understand, he helped Gaara to his bed and tucked the vessel in. Picking up the forgotten and now cold, wasted tea that had been sitting on the ground. "Do you want a fresh tea?" He asked, using his free hand to help pass over a book that the redhead was desperately trying to reach without having to get out of the waterbed. "Yes please.." Gaara responded. Taking his book and leaning back into the pillows. Peridot hues watching the other leave the room with a sweet sounding 'okay~'.

'You should relax more' The soothing voice from within whispered. Sounding more gentle then anything cynical. "And let you take over? As if." Gaara muttered quietly in response, not wanting the other to hear his verbally one sided conversation. 'Take it easy runt. Am I not aloud to be worried about you?' Shukaku mused, causing the sand-nin to wonder just what on earth they could have meant by that. "Why would you be worried?"
'How many times should I remind you brat, that we're stuck together. Your health is my health - and it would only get better if you sleep.' The One-tail purred in a mocking fashion, sewing doubt in the young teen's mind as he heard the distant clattering of dishes and drawers from the kitchen. Hands clutching hard to the book within his grasp as he tried not to snap and let himself be sucked into his demon's obvious attempts. "Shut up. I'm not falling for your lazy lies and you know it. I don't need you — .. I don't need your advice."

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