A pleasant surprise...

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It hadn't been too long before the blond was up and demanding to be let go. He hated hospitals and everyone on his floor knew it. his yelling too loud for any to bear. but one.

As pale hands opened the door slowly, the blond silenced immediately. whether it be fear or the fact that someone had come into his room was something only to be kept between himself and kurama, the demon with in.


Naruto started, staring at the other as they approached, he wasn't sure what to say or what to ask. all he could do was stare at the red haired ninja who now sat at the edge of the end of his bed.


The sudden quiet call of his name startled the poor frightened blond. but for some reason he couldn't find himself actually afraid of the other. more he was afraid of the others past and who the sand ninja had once been.


The word finally slipped from his mouth, just as he was about to add more words he was cut off by a bouquet of lovely Lilly's and daisies. the flowers where beautiful and very fragrant. Their sweet aroma filling the room.

"You seem to be getting better."

Gaara's eyes refused to meet the beautiful blue that stared at him. Sure he felt foolish as he sat there,but he hoped that the blond might be able to help him understand his feelings. Then again... Naruto was a bit of a idiot some times. No, A lot of times.

"Yeah,if they let me out i'd be even better."

Naruto chuckled as his nervousness eased into a calm and relaxed feeling of peace. Taking the flowers he looked them over and smiled a wide toothy grin as he always did. He was quite surprised by the friendly gesture but again,this was the first time he had seen the pale sand cloaked ninja since their battle in the forrests. Could he really have changed? or was there an altirier motive to these flowers.

"What's with the flowers?"

Naruto asked out finally, Catching himself the attention of the vessel. Gleaming eyes of jade and seafoam locking onto his own. The sleepless black rings surrounding them only bringing out the vibrant and intoxicating colour. Naruto was almost so locked on the redhead's eyes that he almost missed his reply.

"Their a gift... And a peace offering... If you'll accept them."

"A peace offering?"

The blond repeated,quite obviously confused. It made Gaara wonder why he had a crush on such an air-head.

"Yes. You could also call it an apollogy."

"Oh... for you trying to... right."


Naruto looked down to the flowers and shifted them to smell the fragrent aroma before he looked at the other with a large happy smile.


Gaara asked,Quite confused by the other's sudden burst of happiness.

"I'm accepting your appology!"
Naruto explained,placing the flowers beside him so he could lay back.
"You do know this makes us friends now right?"

Gaara asked,taken aback at how easily the Uzumaki forgave him. Was he alright? He was finding it hard to drown out Shukaku's laughter and bitter comments about the blond he had come to admire.
'If only i could tell you.... How i feel.' Gaara thought to himself. Watching the other chatter on about things he wanted to do and people he wanted to see as well as places he wanted to go now that the two where friends. 'If only you knew.... How you make me feel'

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