Honey Tea And Something Sweeter...

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"I'm... Sorry. I was thinking of something."


"Oh yeah?"

Walking together the two kept a steady pace with one another. The silence slowly consuming them as mid-day took hold. Naruto was practicly twitching.

There where many things he wanted to say and ask; he was a litteral talking machine anyway. However, most of the thoughts on his mind where questions pertaining to himself.

Taking a large deep breath he tried to build his confidence before finally breaking the deafening silence with a question type request.



"After we're done. You know... Shopping and getting dinner. Could we go somewhere?"

"I suppose.. Where do you have in mind?"

"Up top the hokage's mansion."

It was an odd request, however the redhead brushed it off. Perhapse it was his favourite place to visit in the evening. Naruto did speak highly of the leaf's sunsets.

Nodding slowly in reply, Gaara almost tripped on his own feet when he noticed they had already passed by one of the stores on their list. Naruto however had kept walking, trapped in his own thoughts about an evening with the redhead. He would have kept going if the Vessel with him hadn't tugged roughly at his sleve, pulling him back.

"Eh? What's up?"

"The store.."

Gaara spoke softly as he pointed to the store across the street, new and highly expensive furnature lining the store's walls and interior. It's owner, pointing his nose up to the sky in ignorance as the two entered. Naruto was phyisicly nervous as he walked past the stuck up owner whom looked down on him as if peering into her very soul. That or his wallet at least.

Gaara however could have cared less for the owner. Passing him without thought or simple mention of greeting, he pulled Naruto close to him and dragged him around by the sleeve. Only when out of earshot of the old man did the redhead lean back to whisper to the leaf nin who was practicly resting their head on his shoulder.

"Don't let him get to you. He's not worth the time."

"I... I know. I just don't like people like that..."

"I know."

Pulling the Uzumaki to the back of the store Gaara finally let his sleve go and motioned for the other to explore. Hopefully by being this far in they wouldn't be too bothered by the employees until they needed them. Walking around the store, Gaara dragged out his list and started going down it before his thoughts where caught with the blonde calling his name.


Looking over, Naruto had become overly excited about a neon orange headache enducing couch that he found. How that couch even existed was beyond him. Shaking his head and grossing his arms Gaara frowned at his so called crush; But was relieved when the other didn't beg to get it.

"White, cream, grey or black Naruto... Something that won't give me a headache when i look at it."

Nodding fast Naruto took what the other had said in a mental note and started looking around the store. Coming past a bed with large posts in it he took a moment to ponder.

'Would look cool if i put some strings of lights on it... maybe some dark curtains?'

'But would Gaara like it?'

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