Figure it out - CH.30

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"Since we're on the subject.." Gentle words broke the riviting silence as Gaara spoke, fingers fidgeting with the fabric of his own shirt in habit. Peridot hues still staring to the ceiling above. "Promise me you won't tell my siblings I'm sick?"

"Eh? Why not?" Naruto looked confused, turning his head to look at the other as he slowly sat up. Was he scared that his siblings would blame him for getting their baby brother sick? "Because they like to overreact to every little thing when it comes to my health." Gaara mused, rolling his eyes in a childish annoyance and huffing. Following the other's motion and sitting up in the bed, although only enough to lean against the headboard comfortably as he watched the blonde get up all together. Feeling the slow movements of the waterbed as it rippled beneath, making the vessel feel like he was sitting on an unstable boat.

"Haha! Ya'know, I had a feeling when your brother was getting on my case about not letting you eat only ramen." Naruto laughed, earning himself a confused and slightly bewildered look from his red haired partner. Noticing the way he displayed his emotions so elegantly like some kind of noble born kid. Even if deep inside he knew that Gaara was never truly the type. At least, perhaps not in the past.

"When was that?" Gaara finally asked the blonde, having had to delve deep into his memory of the past day when the three had been together. He couldn't remember Kankuro ever bringing up anything whilst they where moving boxes. "Remember when you went upstairs and Him n' I where chatting in the lobby?" Naruto chirped in, earning himself a silently mouthed 'oh' from the other vessel and a muttered 'I'm gonna beat his ass'. Causing the leaf-nin to burst out laughing as he watched the other teen scowl like a kid.

Throwing himself back into the many soft pillows that lined the headboard, Gaara dragged the thick blankets up to his neck and snuggled into the warmth of the bed. His eyes feeling heavier than ever before but he knew he had to fight it. He couldn't succumb to sleep again, it was already far to risky that he had fallen asleep the night prior. But now that he was sick? He had to be on high alert. "" He spoke softly, looking to the side of the bed where the other had just been standing not a moment before. Confusion striking him however when he noticed that no one was there and the room appeared to be darker than before.
Rapidly blinking his eyes, the vessel sat upright and looked around the room before moving to lean over the bed and get up. Thankfully to be stopped by the sudden visible wall of neon orange that filled the doorway. Startling the Sand-nin momentarily before soothing his panic all together. "Hey! You doin' okay? You where spacing out somethin' hardcore. Looked like you where about to fight the wall haha." Naruto snickered. In tanned hands, a cup of fresh made tea that he placed down on the floor beside the bed. The bedside table they had purchased still in it's box, among all the others and waiting to be put together.

"Yeah.. I guess I didn't notice."
Gaara muttered. Sitting back into the bed and moving the blankets away. Pale hand reaching up to check his own temperature. Still feeling hot but not unbearably so like he had hours prior. "What time is it?" He asked. Unsure of just how much time had passed in his trance. "Uhh.. Four? Maybe almost Five I think." Naruto replied, getting a soft sigh from the defeated sounding redhead. "What a waste.."

"Pff- Dude, you're sick. Relax ya'know?" Naruto smiled, placing his hands upon his own hips. Had Gaara never been sick before? Or did he never know he was?
Then again, the one time he had been injured in the past, he had screamed about it like he was dying. "There's too much to do though.." The sudden husk comment snapped Naruto's attention back to his red haired love. "Not really. While you where having a staring contest, I was unboxing things and setting up the rest of the furniture. Which uh... Don't get mad — but I think the tv is broken.."

"Wh-... How?" Gaara asked in absolute confusion and repressed annoyance, truly believing that the tv had been delivered damaged in some way as he got off the bed and followed the other to the living room to see what he was expecting to be a shattered or broken screen. Only instead to be met with a perfectly working tv that was...

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