A Helping Hand...

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"Mmm, Yeah?"

"What about you? Do you have anyone who may help?"

Taking a moment to pause from eating, Naruto sat back in his chair and wondered. Who could he ask? He wasn't sure. Perhaps Sakura would be available if not still training with Tsunade.

Naruto was stumped and from running through a list of his close friends he had to make lists in his mind, not only who would be willing to help, but who as well would be comfortable with being around the vessel that was his best friend.

In the end, Naruto came up with three possible options. Sakura, Shikamaru and Kiba. If he chose Kiba, he'd have to be stuck with the endless chatter and unavoidable bickering that came with their friendship. It wouldn't be wise if they where carrying something fragile.

Shikamaru? Lazy, but works hard when necessary. He'd most likely take all the small boxes and light items... Not very good for something they want to get done fast.

Then with deep thought Naruto came to his last option and best female friend, Sakura. She was strong and well organized, was always willing to help in a pinch and never fussed too much over the little things. In Naruto's mind she was the perfect choice to help him move his things. He could only hope she would be comfortable in the presence of the redhead he was now living with.

Looking to the vessel who had now taken their place back at the table, a cup of hot tea in their hands as they awaited an answer. Naruto unfortunately with the name of his teammate on the tip of his tongue, couldn't say a word as he lost himself in the presence of the sand ninja.

The morning light peering through the large windows, lighting up the pale skin like fresh snow of the boy in front of him. he just couldn't help himself but to take in every detail of the once deranged killer he had come to love. Shimmering pools of jade unbroken in their gaze upon the Uzumaki.

Naruto's head could only begin to swim as he was so lost to the sight of the other. What was wrong with him? Was this a jutsu? the food? If it wasn't for how fast his heart was beating, Naruto wouldn't have cared.

" ----to"



The voice of the vessel came in loud and clear,snapping the Uzumaki out of his lovesick trance. It took a moment for the poor flustered boy to regain his composure as he vigorously shook his head to clear his mind.

"S-Sorry. Did'ya say something?"

"I asked if you where able to think of anyone"

Gaara replied, he hadn't noticed the way the Uzumaki had been looking at him. However he did notice the fierce blush blazing across the blond's cheeks.

"Oh... Oh yeah! Sakura-chan! She might be able to help us!"

"Alright. I'll give Kankuro a call."

"Right. I'll call Sakura when I'm done eating!"

Sipping his tea and leaving the table, Gaara left the room and went off onto the balcony with the phone to call his brother in private, leaving the Uzumaki to crash under the weight of his emotions. His heart was beating a mile a minute when ever the vessel spoke and it made him confused. He knew what this meant for him, he'd felt this way when he had first met Sakura, But to feel like this towards the vessel was strange to him. It was almost new; and he liked it.

"What am i thinking! Gaara's my best friend! And a guy!"

Slamming his head into the table Naruto grumbled and rest his cheek, looking out to the balcony where the other was. Pacing back and forth on the phone, Naruto watched him the same way he had when they where sitting together.

How gentle he looked, Like a porcelain doll with a heart of gold. It was hard for the Uzumaki to think of how cold he was, how terrifying and bloodthirsty the redhead had once been when the two had first met. When they first fought and even when they became friends.

"Hnn-- If only Sasuke could change like you."

Naruto whispered in thought as the vessel hung up and came back inside. It was true however, Gaara had changed. He was far more gentle and approachable then he had been before. No one feared to be near him now. At least no one in Naruto's group of friends. Thanks to himself and the strong helpful persuasion of RockLee.

"Kankuro's on his way."

Gaara spoke up as he handed the Uzumaki the phone. It was his turn to call someone and it would give the vessel some time to clean up and move a few boxes out of the way.

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