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"Gaara i love you." - "More then you know... More then i originally was willing to accept."

Naruto spoke softly as he let go of the other. He felt unsure about his actions. 'was that the right thing to do?' With their new relationship, the last thing the blonde wanted was to ruin it by being far too over affectionate with the other. But as a smooth pale hand ran over his own, his worries where soothed by the gentle rasp of his boyfriend's voice ringing out through the silence of the moment.

"I... I love you too."

Naruto stared, helpless and shocked as the vessel before him let those four words slip from between peach tinted lips. Usualy quite easy and simple for most to say. However for the sand-nin infront of him, they held the four most difficult letters for him to even utter. And to say them at all? Naruto knew Gaara had to mean it..

Sitting back down with a rather agressive thud, Naruto's eyes began to whell with tears as he sat there; still holding the other's hand in his. Using his free one however, he covered his eyes and began to sob. Much to the suprise and worry of the other jinchuuriki.

"N-Naruto..? What's wrong? Sh-Should i not have said that? Are you upset?"

"No... No. I.. I'm ok. I'm just happy." - "Really, Really Happy!"

Naruto moved his hand, forcing as much of a smile as he could through the tears. It was hard to do when he was crying, even if he truly was happy.

"B-But you're crying!"

"Some people cry when their happy.."

"People do that!?"

"Yeah Gaara. People do that"

Naruto tried his best to wipe away the tears as he laughed from the other's panic. He didn't mean to worry the redhead, but the face of confusion he had was just too much for the Uzumaki to take. Watching as the vessel left him and returned shortly with a box of tissues, he took one and dried his eyes. Sniffling softly, he was confused when he felt a gentle amount of pressure applied to his shoulder. Looking over he saw nothing but a mess of red locks of hair and realised that what he was feeling was Gaara's head resting on him. With the pressure he felt however a gentle rumble from the one against him grumbling out of frustration.

"Don't scare me like that..."

"I-I'm sorry."

Naruto chuckled softly, moving himself to wrap his arms around his slightly shorter boyfriend and watching as the hug was recipricated.

"Please don't choke me."

"... Please don't tempt me."

Naruto laughed as he felt the smaller frame against him move coinciding with the redhead's muffled snickering. He had burried himself deep into the fabric of the jump suit that wrapped it'self around the blonde's neck. The smell of the blonde jinchuuriki was intoxicating to the vessel, it was like mint and honey... with the small hint of miso from all the ramen he ate. To be expected however. Parting from each other, Naruto gave the Sand-nin a small peck on the cheek before they fixed the knocked over teacups and plates.

"Food's probably cold."

"Shouldn't be. there are plate heaters under the bowls."

"You think of everything don't you."

"I try."

Once finally re-set, Gaara handed over a bowl of rice and brought the bowl of lemon chicken closer. He had also steamed some veggitables and rice noodles for them to share. With the food still hot and the tea perfectly steeped, the two finally began eating. Naruto was famished after a long day of moving and running around both the house and village. As well, the crying didn't help him either. But the reason was well worth the shed tears.

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