It's a long walk...

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"Your house?"



Raising a hand slowly to brush back blood red locks, the vessel sighed and looked to the blond, understanding that the other was going to need a little more of an explanation.


"I'm going to be honest with you. Your apartment stinks and is falling apart. I don't like the thought of you breathing in all this mold. it's toxic and you're going to get sick. Fast. Look Naruto. It's late and it would be easier if you came over so that in the morning we can go purchase an apartment. We'll need all day in order to do this. We have to move, buy furniture and groceries."

The vessel tried to explain as much as he could without exhausting himself from talking. Being an introvert had it's perks and it's downfalls.
Being easily exhausted from conversations was nothing new, not to mention a major part of it. Bending down only after he had approached the door, he would put on his scandals and wait for the Uzumaki who had only just run off after replying with a sharp and chipper "Ok!"

He could already tell this was going to be a long night for the vessel. But it was worth it. This was going well for him, he was surprised to admit it, even if the only person he was admitting it to was himself. Maybe Shukaku too.
But the Demon within could care less apart from a few distasteful words and comments towards the nine tailed beast within the other boy. Gaara didn't care however, like it or not this is who he had fallen for, this is who he decided was more important then anything in the world and deserved every minute of his attention.

After his sandals had been put on, Gaara would move to take a seat on the little stool beside the door. Normally a place keys and maybe a picture at some time, it now would play host to the vessel's patience as he waited for the blond to finish packing.
Suddenly however with the sudden throwing of a large object, the redhead would shoot up from the chair in surprise and place himself into a almost fighting style like stance as he focused on what had been thrown from the hall.

"A ... Bag."

The redhead grumbled as he calmed his stance, eyes focused on the duffel bag laying steps away from his feet. A chuckle coming from the hall to snap his attention as he turned his head to see the Uzumaki approaching with another bag at his hip and strap slung over his shoulder.

"Sorry. Did i scare ya?"

"A little."

Gaara spoke honestly to the blond's surprise and his own. It was a big deal to admit his faults, fears and the little things he would normally keep to himself. He was always on edge, always ready for a battle. Naruto however, seemed so peaceful, so relaxed.
Even when he was raging and rambling about the Uchiha who had seemingly abandoned him and their friends.
But it didn't matter too much to the vessel. He understood Sasuke meant a lot to Naruto, he was his friend, even almost a brother too him. Gaara never dared to slander the Uchiha in front of the other. At least not without good reason or reason at all.

"Are you ready?"


Naruto smiled and ran to pick up the bag as his friend opened the door for them to leave. Grabbing his keys and taking a second last look of the apartment, he couldn't stop himself or repress the excitement and joy he was filled with to finally get to step up in his life.

"Oh man, a new apartment, an awesome roommate, this is gonna be amazing!!"

Naruto cheered happily as the two jinchuuriki made their way down the hall after locking the door behind them. Gaara tried to hide it, but he too was excited. He could tell he was going to enjoy this. Sure it was a massive step up and out of his normally quiet and reclusive comfort zone. But if he truly wanted to spend his life and his time with the Uzumaki, then he knew he would have to set aside his pride for the hope of happiness and a better future then the past he had been raised with.

"Don't get ahead of yourself naruto, we still have lots to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah i know. But it's still gonna be fun!"

".... yeah."

Walking along the street the two made their way in the late evening to the vessel's apartment. the chill of the approaching night, warning them to make haste. The lamps and street lights began to glow gently in the evening and what had the Uzumaki at peace, had the Sabaku tense and nervous as jade hues darted back and forth before closing as the boy took deep breaths to calm himself.

Picking up on the other's uneasiness, Naruto looked to his friend and grabbed his hand. Head cocked to the side in question. Unsure about what had the vessel so tense and on edge.


"Are you alright?"

As the two stopped in the midst of a quiet side street, the night engulfed the village and the winds began to calm to a gentle hum in the trees. Gaara wasn't used to the leaf. Back home, when the sun went down; sand storms where imminent. it was rare the village had a peaceful and quiet night like in the redhead's upbringing. Back then, you could see the stars and the moon. Now however, one could barely leave their home nor open their window without being swept away by the terrifying storms.

"I'll be fine."

Finally after a long hesitation, the redhead replied. Reassuring the other that he would be ok. He felt homesick, yet had little connection to the village it'self. He wanted to see his siblings. Sure they where in the village with him in the leaf, but he wanted most to see them; be with them in their home in suna. His stomach churned and he felt a wave of nausea hit the back of his throat as he tried to calm himself. The cider wasn't mixing too well with dinner, nor his emotions.

"We can take a moment to rest if you want."

Naruto was concerned about the other. He hated to see someone he cared so much about in pain. But when a pale hand rose to stop him, he silenced and waited for the sand-nin to regain composure before carrying on.

"I'm ok Naruto... I think... I think i drank that cider too fast."

Gaara admitted half his truth to the blond, hating to look weak in front of the man he held so dear to his heart. Continuing on, it wasn't long till the two reached the apartment that the red-head personally owned in separation from his siblings.

"We're here."

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