I Care Ok?...

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"Oh! Your brother's here."

Naruto put down the picture as he looked to the vessel beside him. Gaara's face was calm and emotionless, but the torment in his eyes was clear. Even for Naruto to see. It made him worry, was Gaara scared? Was it his brother? Or was something else bothering him. He would have to remember to ask later. Perhaps when they where alone again.

Standing to answer the door, the Uzumaki was greeted by a sharp and judging glare of the elder brother of his now roommate. It made him uncomfortable. Like the puppeteer was peering into his soul, looking for one single simple reason to start a fight.


Gaara's husk voice cut through the awkward silence like a hot knife through butter, dragging the attention of the two men to him. Standing, with cash in hand and the other placed upon slender hip; the vessel made notion to inviting his sibling inside.

"Oh... Hey."

Kankuro moved passed the blond and made his way to his younger sibling, taking from him the money and pocketing it. Normally just being family was enough reason for him to help, but being in a village with many resources and access to rare materials for his creations, the puppeteer could never say no to a good deal and a little extra cash.

Keeping his eye on the curious blond, the oldest of the three leaned to his brother's ear and whispered with an almost irritated expression.

"Seriously? Him?"

Rolling his eyes, Gaara moved away from his brother and grabbed two sets of keys, His own and Naruto's. Making his way to the Uzumaki he placed them in his hand and opened the front door.

"The faster we do this, the faster you get to go home and work on your puppets."

Gaara spoke gently as he let the other two men walk out, only to lean in and answer his brother as he walked by.

"Yes. Him."


The walk to Naruto's old apartment was quiet except for the casual chat and facts about the village that the blond thought might impress the two. As well hopefully break the silence. He could feel the glare from the puppeteer on the back of his head, like resting his head on a heated kotatsu making him sweat.


Gaara's voice, calm and collected whispered gently in the blond's ear making him shiver in a way he couldn't place. Like an ice cube falling down his back but instead of feeling uncomfortable. It made him feel good... Too good. He was panicking, he needed to think of something else, anything else and quickly.



"Are you.... Alright?"

Gaara couldn't help but ask. Naruto was suddenly acting strange and with the sudden pink tint that grew a shade darker with each passing moment, it had the vessel worried was it the presence of his brother? or possibly a sudden sickness? Gaara was worried and couldn't understand what was going on. However, Kankuro understood completely.

"You've gotta be joking.."

The brunet muttered under his breath. It wasn't that he didn't like Naruto, he was a good kid. But his little brother in the short time that the two had been friends, had become the world to the puppeteer. He did have to thank the blond idiot for bringing his family so much closer together. But being as protective as he was over his little brother made him extremely cynical to anyone he took interest in. Especially when it came to a possible love interest.

"I'm fine. Sorry... I. I was just thinking of something."

Naruto's voice dragged the older sand ninja from his worried thoughts as they arrived at the rundown apartment. Entering, the three made their way up the old collapse worthy building towards the Uzumaki's old bachelor pad. Dragging keys from his pocket Naruto paused at the door and took a deep breath. He just couldn't believe it. This was going to be the last time he would ever step foot in this apartment.

Opening the door and unlocking all the many various locks, Naruto moved out of the way to let the other two in.

"I'll start grabbing boxes!"

Naruto called out, dashing into his bedroom to collect items he wanted to keep. Leaving the brother's alone to talk.

"Gaara. Look."

"It's fine Kankuro. I know you don't like him."

"That's not what i was gonna say!"

Giving his brother a ' oh sure' look, he got an eye roll from the older sibling who then dropped a pair of shoes into a box labeled 'clothes' before explaining himself.

"Look. Naruto's a good kid. I just want you to choose wisely alright? Do you even know if he likes you? you know... In 'that' way? Gaara, I worry about you ok? You're my lil'brother. I just don't want you to be heartbroken alright?"


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