Healing Touch...

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Gaara looked to the other in a state of slight confusion. Walking over to the fridge he pulled out some eggs and the needs to make some omelettes. Why the blonde wanted to call on his pink friend was beyond the redhead. However, a part of him felt it may be because she was a medical ninja. Perhaps Naruto felt she could help him with his headaches or something. It was a sweet gesture, however Gaara felt it to be nothing more then a waste of time.

"Well, I'm sure she can help. She's amazing when it comes to getting advice! also, she's been studying Jinchuuriki ever since I asked her to help me get a little more info! I uh... I think she became obsessed with it.."

"As long as she doesn't try to stick me with needles I guess I'm fine."

Gaara sighed, waving off his boyfriend to go call on his team-mate whilst he cooked breakfast. Cracking a few extra eggs so he could have something to offer their guest, Gaara got to work on cooking; Wondering if his siblings where still alive seeing as he was no longer living at home.

"Their either dead or have had nothing but take out..."

The redhead muttered under his own breath as he wandered the kitchen for some spices and potatoes. Staples where key in a filling and healthy meal. And many would do that was not Ramen. Chopping the potato and some carrots into chunks he began to wonder if he should give his brother a call. Make sure he was still alive and not poisoned by their sister's torture tactic that she claimed was... cooking.

"Yeah! We moved in together! Well I think it's great--"

Naruto's booming voice of excitement rang through the halls as he took the phone to the bedroom in which to finish his conversation in private. To the vessel however it sounded more like he was trying to talk the pink haired girl into coming over, rather then just asking her for a medical standpoint. Gaara was never big on doctors and quite usually hated the thought of ever being emitted into a hospital. As well, most required him to remove his sand armour. Something he couldn't do; Not just for the fact that he had little control over it, but because it was his security blanket. Without it, he felt naked and vulnerable to any and everything.

Naruto was the first and only to see his real face from under the mask. Sure it wasn't much different from what was displayed, save for a few freckles here and there under the eyes. But none the less, it felt like a major difference and deal for the teen.

As time flew by, Gaara began to become impatient as he set the table for three and took his respective seat, turning on the fireplace and some gentle music. If he was any more like his sister, he would be two thirds deep into a bottle of wine by now. However his patience was finally rewarded as Naruto stepped out of the bedroom and hung up the cordless home phone, making his way to the dinner table to sit with his boyfriend.

"Sorry about that Gaara"

"It's fine.."

"Sakura's almost here, she just wanted me to stay on the phone so she could make sure she didn't get lost"

Naruto chuckled softly, but the laughter he pressed on was partially forced. Over the minimal time the two had spent together this morning, the blond had become increasingly worried for his partner and roomate. Ever since last night, the redhead had been acting increasingly distant and it was causing him a great deal of concern. Did he do something wrong? Or was this simply all just Shukaku's doing? All Naruto knew was that he was glad Sakura had agreed to come over.

"Gaara...If.. If I did something to upset you.. You would tell me.. Right?"

Naruto spoke anxiously, wondering and hoping that between the two of them everything was fine. Their relationship was so new. So fragile. It terrified the blonde at the thought of just how easily it could be ruined. But with a gentle pale hand slowly moving over his own, he felt peace. Reassurance and safety from his fears as he stared deeply into those perfect and chaotic sea foam orbs.

"Of course."

If it wasn't for the demon within causing him a great deal of pain, Gaara would have happily sat and soaked up the silence of this peaceful moment with the other. But as few short knocks bared themselves again the front door, Gaara inwardly thanked the Uzumaki's teammate for arriving so soon. Moving himself and opening the door, Naruto happily let the pink haired girl inside and took her jacket to hang it up as his roomate made his way to greet the other.

Although the two had made amends after the chuunin exam incident, the two where still on quite awkward terms. However, With the hyperactive blonde as his boyfriend Gaara felt the need to get on at least somewhat better terms with the medic ninja before him who was placing her bag on the table so she could better shake the sand weilder's hand.

"Gaara! Been a while, Naruto said you where having really bad headaches."

"Ah... Something like that."



"Oh... hmm."

Sakura looked to her bag and back to the other before ushering him to pull up a chair and sit close to her. Normally she would have had the two come to her personal office of practice, however being her day off a part of her didn't want to step anywhere close to the building on the incase that tsunade pulled her into another training regeime. Especially since she was still healing from the last one. Pulling open her bag, the medic dug through well packed supplies and fished out all that she may need. Vitamins, a flashlight and some headache reducing pills.

"You wearing the armour?"


"I see.."

"Don't worry. I'm only wearing the baseline armour. You can touch me.. I trust you."

It was only the fact that she was a medic and she had his boyfriends complete trust that Gaara would even consider letting her touch him. But when she did, he jolted in shock as he felt the cooling touch of her index finger on his forehead. The feeling dimishing his headache immedieatly. In suprise, seafoam eyes darted to the emeralds infront of him and the saphires just behind staring in worry.

"What are you doing?"

"Does your head still hurt?"

"N-No! How did you do that..?"

"I don't think the source of your problem is actually Shukaku Gaara..."

"What do you mean?"

"Gaara. You have a fever and your headache is a symptom of sickness and lack of rest. In short... You've got a mild case of the flu. Where you out last night? for longer then two hours or so? Where you proporly dressed?"

"The flu?"

Gaara stared in disbelief, apart from the headache and the slight sniffle he had; he felt fine. He originally played off his stuffy nose by thinking it to be the dust from moving into a new apartment. However as he began to think about it more. Shukaku's headaches where never so bad when she was only speaking to him. The feeling was normally a dull and uncomfortable numbing sensation. But what he experienced last night and the residule pain he felt this morning was far worse and far different then he had ever felt before. Perhapse he was sick.

"Naruto and i where out all day yesterday.. Moving into the apartment and shopping for furniature.. As well we got some tea and went to the hokage's mountain."

Gaara had to think hard for a moment in order to recall the events of the prior night. After the fact that he slept, the night and day before had all felt like a dream and he was having trouble recalling all the events. Exept for the kiss. It was the one part of his memory that set his cheeks aflame making him glad that he was wearing his eternal mask of sand.

"I think we where out for most of the evening and night."

"Yeah. We got in around eleven."

Naruto piped in, having gotten closer then where he had been originally standing, Now pulling up a chair for himself to sit on.

"Then that settles it!"

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