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Leaving the cafe the two nin made their way down the slowly darkening streets of the village,Autumn was only just settling in as the cold evening air moaned through the slowly changing trees. As lights and lamps slowly flickered on the streets came to life once again as the night came ever closer. The village was a beautiful sight at night just as it was during the day.

Walking for a short while the two found a restaurant that catered to both their tastes. It was a small and peaceful restaurant,with beautiful painted lanterns that hung through out. Walking in Naruto called a seat for too,one in a secluded place so they could be alone. Naruto did enjoy being around people but for an airhead he was smart enough to know Gaara liked the peace and quiet of being in a corner.

Being shown their seat the two sat across from each other and relaxed. Naruto,letting out a long sigh melt into his side of the booth. it was cosy and comfortable. like a real bed and not the ones the hospital provided him.
"This place is nice. Have you ever been here before?"
Naruto asked the redhead getting a sharp glance from the other from atop his menu.

"No. I don't go out much."

Naruto felt bad for the other. He knew what it felt like to be feared by his own neighbours. but to be feared by all? even those who didn't know him? that was rough. He definitely couldn't imagine the struggles the other vessel had pulled through, But in all he was proud of the other. Gaara had become a much better person. He could see it in his face if not the way he was acting towards the blond.

"See anything good on the menu?"
The question caught the Uzumaki's attention. Looking up from his thoughts Naruto stared blankly at the redhead who in turn was staring at him.

"Sorry what?"
Naruto replied,a bit embarrassed that he didn't hear the other.

"It's fine."
Relaxing into his arm and leaning on the table the redhead resumed reading,dotting down some orders of food to start with.
"I was only wondering if you saw anything you liked."
Looking back to the still blankly staring blond. Gaara wondered if he was listening to him at all. Maybe this crush was a little foolish. Was Naruto really the one for him? Was all this really worth it?
The answer left Gaara breathless and confused.

A smile,shining brighter then the stars in the moonlit sky knocked the wind out of the redhead. If it wasn't for the sand encasing his skin,the deep red his cheeks where turning would have been more obvious then the blond's orange and blue jacket.
Kami why did he have to smile like that, and why did it have to leave the vessel gasping for air. His heart racing and mind flooding with impure thoughts.

It only left him more confused and fascinated with the other. Shukaku on the other hand found this amusing and wasted no time in embarrassing the young jinchuriki. But it didn't matter,he ignored the spiteful words and focused on the other before him. Maybe this was right. He had never felt this way before, but he so wanted more then this.

"Na ... ruto "
The vessel spoke, shy and timid as he composed himself to a neutral state of mind and emotion. Passing the menu to the other he let the blond pick what he wanted before ordering. After the waiter left them back to their silence, Gaara spoke again.

"Naruto ... Can I ask something?"

"Uh, sure! What's up?"
Naruto replied, Paying no mind to the other fidgeting with their hands.

"Why are you letting me do this?"
The question caught the blond off guard. Leaving him baffled as to an answer. Looking to the vessel he mouthed some words but stayed silent in his guess. Why was he letting the other do this? Did he really trust him so much already? Or maybe,It was the connection he felt with the other teen that made him feel comfortable enough around him.

"Well ... We're friends now aren't we?"
Naruto responded with a question of his own,Forcing the redhead to break his gaze and look down to the table.

"Yeah,i guess we are."
The thought warmed the redhead's heart and his mind went numb, drowning out the demon within who grumbled in annoyance. Was this what it really felt like to have a friend? He liked this feeling. it was confusing but it was pleasant. An emotion he hadn't felt in a very long time. It made him want to smile. Almost.

As food arrived slowly, dish by dish the two boys returned to their comfortable silence. It may have Irked the blond seeing as he couldn't live without talking,but he didn't ruin it for the sake of the other who seemed to be at peace. Placing various items onto his own plate from the choices he waited for the sand wielder to start before himself. Sure naruto had a lack of manners at times,but something about the redhead made him want to behave. He was enjoying this, It was a long time since he had some company. Most of his friends hung out with their own tea mates and it was rare the blond was invited.
Sighing softly he began to eat,never taking his eyes off of the other. He wondered what it was like living in such a hot country, where water and resources were scarce. Was it a hard transition for the other? coming to such a lush and green filled country? Thinking about it was starting to give the blond a headache. He didn't like deep thinking and didn't understand why his bastard of a so called friend had done it so often.

"If it hurts to think about him. Then don't."
Gaara's sudden reply to the Uzumaki's thoughts startled him. Looking at the from his subconscious mind,he finally noticed the redhead had been staring at him. The look on his face relaxed as usual,but the gleam in his eyes had a tinge of worry soaking through the ever perfect jade.

"How did you know i was--"

"You're sad. You only get sad when he's on your mind."
The blond had only started to speak when the other cut him off. Sure it was a little obvious that Naruto was upset,but to pin point the exact reason behind it was what startled the now intrigued nine tail vessel. Entangling his fingers and leaning on the back of his hands, Naruto sighed. Gaara was right however. He really did get sad when ever the Uchiha was on his mind. Even before his friend left Naruto would either get angry or just upset when he thought about it too long.

"Sorry ... I'm ruining dinner."

"It's fine. We're not on a date or anything."
Gaara spoke softly. it was getting hard for him to control his own emotions around the blond. He wanted to show he cared, but he didn't want to make the other nervous or uncomfortable. Continuing to eat he paid no mind to the other, at least until he noticed the encroaching blush that garnished the other's tanned cheeks.


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