Softer then silk...

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"Don't worry about it. The cold doesn't bother me."

Naruto mused with a bright smile. He was using every ounce of strength not coo over the way his friend had jumped in surprise just a moment before. Naruto found it adorable and sad.
Was he never comfortable? No matter where he was or who he was with?
rejoining the side of the redhead now fully zipped into the orange jacket he smiled.

"Ya' know. You look pretty good in my jacket! I mean, in orange of course."
Naruto laughed,Out stretching his arms he put his hands behind his head and relaxed. enjoying the nice autumn evening.
As the wind continued to howl. the blond's grin stiffened as the cold hit him. But it didn't make a difference. To him,his friend's warmth mattered more.

"You're not in a rush are you?"
Naruto asked,smiling a bit as he tried to bare the cold.
Receiving a small shake of the head from the other he perked up and got excited. Hopping the other wouldn't mind his offer and hopefully would agree to it.

"Do you want to come over? It's getting super cold out here. But I have heating and hot chocolate!"

"Hot chocolate?"
Gaara asked, He had never had chocolate before. Sure as a child he was spoiled,but he never received sweets,or an appropriate affection apart from his uncle and caregiver. Looking to his friend Gaara cocked his head to the side and asked.

"What is hot chocolate? Is it melted chocolate?"

"Huh? You don't know what hot chocolate is? well,it's a drink! Like apple cider!"
Naruto was shocked,How could he not know about hot chocolate? It's one of the best drinks for cold weather! Then it hit him. "Right. He's from a dessert village..."

"Apple cider?"
Gaara had to ask once more. Unsure of all these types of drinks. Hot chocolate sounded interesting,However the apple cider peaked his interest more.
In a village where little to no plants grew and where water was scarce, it was difficult to have fresh produce imported. Especially fruit.

"You've gotta be kidding me! You haven't had apple cider either?! You have to come over then!"
Naruto laughed,slowly reaching out for the vessels hand. Blue eyes widening when his hand was met with the milky,pale soft hand of the other.
It sent a shiver up the blonds spine, The gentle touch was enough to make him crave more of the sensation. Standing in silence,with the vessel before him looking confused; Naruto blushed. His thumb running over the soft skin that laid like silk on the back of the redhead's hand.

"Your hand ... It's so soft."
Naruto spoke in a breathy sigh. The cold couldn't bother him no more as he stood there. The touch so warm and gentle like a cosy fireplace on a chilled winter night.
It made him wonder if the rest of the other's body felt this soft,this warm. The thoughts brought a fading blush back to the nine tailed vessel's cheeks.

"Thank you."
The soft,shy reply came forth in almost a stutter. Either from the cold or sheer embarrassment. Gaara's heart skipped a beat as the blond before him touched and caressed his hand ever so gently. The sensation making every part of his skin shiver in delight with an unsatisfied warmth. 

Forcing himself out of a perverted daydream naruto held the other's hand firmly and lead him down cobbled streets and alleyways until they reached his apartment. Sure the neighbourhood he lived in wasn't the best,but since the village paid for his living expenses he couldn't complain. he had been here since he was little.
Walking through hallways upon entering the building, yelling and laughter could be heard from various apartments. the crying of children and couples fighting, the two even passed a door that had been kicked in by an angry drunk.

"Sorry about the building. It's not the best,but it's really all i can afford."
Naruto apologized to the other as they reached his door. opening it he unlocked several chains and let the other in before closing it behind him. revealing the many locks,chains and bolts that the uzumaki used to secure his living space.

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