On the mind...

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It didn't take long for the sun to rise and the vessel was thankful for that. Getting up he got dressed and made breakfast as he always did for himself and his siblings. since he was the only one who could cook, he made lunch and packed it away for the older two in his family.

"Your out early... something up?"

Sea foam eyes widened as the vessels head shot around to view the man who had spoken. he didn't enjoy being snuck up on, but his brother was always an exception.

"No... "

As usual the redhead gave a short reply before going back to what he was doing, not minding his brother as he snuck bits of food. finishing what he was doing he handed the older man his plate and sat down with him. it would be a while till their sister joined them and usually by them he was gone.


The vessel spoke, trying to find the right words to form the right questions that where on his mind. he wanted to know a little more about the teen who consumed his every thought and why he was doing so.


The reply finally came from the puppeteer, a quizzical look upon his bare paint less face. it was obvious he feared what ever question was coming but ended up choking when it caught him off guard.

"What does it mean when you can't think about anything else but a certain person? no matter what time it is or where you are?"

Looking to his brother it was quite obvious he was confused and that who ever the person was; was bothering him. kankuro furrowed his brow and tried to think of a way to explain it to his little brother, one who knew little next to nothing about love.

"Well... you remember when temari had a crush right? and we explained it to you?"

The brunet fumbled his words, hoping the redhead would understand. only to feel relieved when he got a swift nod in reply.

"Good, well it's exactly like that then. if you think about them all the time it means you like them and that you think their important to you. so in other words you have a crush on them."

Feeling proud of himself he took a sip of his water only to spit it out in shock and stare at his younger brother when he wondered aloud.

"So.. I have a crush on naruto?"

The redhead had wondered. obviously he had not truly understood what his brother was talking about and shukaku could only laugh from within making the poor boy more and more confused.

"Woah woah woah!!! Naruto!? as in uzumaki naruto!? that ramen loving knucklehead?!"

Kankuro could only sputter and choke slightly at the thought of his little brother being in love with the orange, hokage obsessed idiot ninja. though then again naruto was a pretty good guy. but still it freaked out the sand ninja.

"What in the world made you get a crush on him?"

It didn't bother the puppeteer if his brother 'swung' that way but he just wished he had better taste in love.

"I..I don't know... he's just been on my mind all the time recently. I plan to visit him in the hospital and ask him about it.."

Staring blankly at the redhead, kankuro sighed and shook his head. he knew he couldn't stop him from his choices so the brunet didn't bother to try. but it didn't stop him from worrying about his little brothers so called 'innocence'

"If you think that's best the go for it... but just be careful ok? don't get upset if he doesn't feel the same."

Getting a small nod in reply he went back to eating his food before leaving the redhead to his thoughts. he just hoped gaara would be ok. he cared for his little brother more than anything and even more after his fight with naruto. But it didn't matter. now wasn't about him, it was about his little brother and his crush.

"Naruto better not make him cry I swear to kami he won't just have a few bruises and cuts ill give him that..."

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