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Running to the kitchen to grab a cloth and something to put the broken porclean in, Naruto took his time. This was his first time actually seeing just where Gaara had chosen to put everything from when they had moved in.

Looking through cupboards and drawers alike, everything was nice and neatly put away. Just like he had expected it to be. Among a long list of reasons that Naruto had for why the two of them where the perfect match, the fact that Gaara was a bit of a cleanfreak was one of the top ten. Finally finding what he was looking for, he made his way to the table to pick up the chair and clean up the spilt tea and shattered cup.

In truth, he was worried about the other. It sucked that things where happening like this. The two had barely been together for a week and already things felt like they where falling more and more out of control. Where they going too fast? Was he rushing things? Naruto was unsure, but as he threw the broken shards into a bag and tossed that one in the garbage, he made a note to try and reel back on all the affection he was giving the redhead.

"I don't wanna overload him.."

Naruto knew just how much Gaara was used to being alone and un-attended to. He feared that all the kissing and smothering he was doing might be emotionally suffocating the other. But he couldn't help it. It was the first time anyone had ever made him feel so 'wanted'.

"I should check on him..."

He muttered to himself softly, glancing back and down the hall to the half open door. Gaara was quite silent apart from the once in a while cough or sniffle. Putting the towel up to dry after rinsing it, he made his way down the hall and used the tips of his fingers to open the door gently; But only enough to peer inside.



"Oh! You're awake?"

"Of course..."

Tired pools of jade fluttered softly as they looked on to an empty wall, like looking into a vast void of thought. It was a common thing for the redhead. Unable to sleep from fears and the demon within, he was often forced to just stare and let time it'self move on without him. But as a small whisper sung through and split the quiet, he knew he wasn't going to get far.

"You really should sleep... Or well. I wish you could."

Naruto replied softly. He knew the other wasn't so keen on noises, his life was already pretty hectic and if he was honest with himself; so was his. But as the soft sound of sheets rustling broke his concentration on the other, he noticed the redhead had moved off close to the wall and made a space for the other to join him.

"I know i didn't want you to get sick... but.. I. Well."

"Hehehe, Don't worry about it. It get's pretty lonely huh?"

Naruto chuckled as he watched the other look away in slight embaressment. God he was so cute. For someone so daunting and intimidating, he sure did make the blond's heart beat like he'd run a mile. Taking off his favorite sweater and socks, he climbed into the bed and laid down to face the other. Using a spare moment to reach up and feel his partner's forehead.

"You really are burning up..."

"Hm... I feel like im sitting in a sauna."

"Want me to turn on the air con?"

".... It might get to cold."

"I'll keep ya warm."

".. Okay."

Hopping up from the comfortable heat, Naruto dashed to the living room to turn the AC on, just enough to keep the apartment cool; But not cold enough to agitate his sick roomate. Running back just as the warmth of the other was leaving him, he snuggled back into the bed and up against the other.

"There we go."

"Thank you.. You know. I think this is the longest i've ever been this close to someone."



"Do you.. Like being this close? I'm not making you uncomfortable am i?"

"No.. I like this. I like being here like this... With you."

"I like being here like this with you too."

Closing the gap between the two of them, soft lips met one another in a tender kiss. The motions of time slowing around them in a feeling so pure they didn't want it to end. Nothing could feel more right then this. To be held and loved by someone so pure and understanding. It hurt Gaara's heart, But it wasn't fear nor envy.
It was anger. He was angry and upset that he had to wait so long to feel like this. That he had to go through so much torment just to be held by someone he knew he could trust. Someone who wouldn't abandon him, or hurt him. Someone who actually meant it when they said they cared for him. that they... loved him.

As the sensation ended and the feelings faded to that of comfort and warmth, Gaara moved himself to rest his head upon the other's chest. The soothing sound of the other's steady heartbeat made him feel calm. This wasn't just some fever dream; This was real.

"I hate this..."


Naruto looked down to the mess of red locks which barred his vision from seeing the scowl upon the other's face.

"I hate that i had to wait so long... Just to feel like this."

"Feel like what?"


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