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As the morning came and the birds chirpped, Seafoam eyes fluttered open slowly as they awoke from their rather deep and overly needed rest. However when time and reality dawned on the vessel, he shot up in a panic realising that he had infact dozed off.

Looking around in fear, he was stopped dead in his panic attack as the sudden loud snoring of the blond, still sleeping beside him rang out through the room.

"Naruto.." - "It.. It wasn't a dream.. I. I slept." - "I...I kissed him."

Looking down at still shaking hands, the sand-nin could barely believe what he was saying to himself. However, The fact that the Uzumaki beside him was still alive was proof enough that he didn't have an 'episode' as he so called the times when he caved to sleep and Shukaku took over. Moving himself he began to try and figure out a way over the Uzumaki and off the water bed. It wasn't going to be an easy task without waking the blonde beside him.

"i should be able to use the side table..."

Gaara muttered softly. Moving himself onto his knees he began trying to crawl over the one now below him, before a soft whisper broke the silence and startled the vessel.



Gaara gasped as he looked over to the man beside him, who's eyes where slowly opening until the bright light of day reflected on briliant ocean blue orbs, forcing him to squint. Getting off the bed, Gaara moved himself to sit on the edge as he felt the other move to get up.

"Did i wake you?"

"Nah, The light did. Too bright to sleep."

"I see."

Gaara took deep and gentle breaths to calm himself. Something in him felt wrong. He was anxious and worried. Fearing the worst from his slumber. However when strong arms wrapped around him, he let go of a largely held breath and groaned but not out of annoyance.

"Something's wrong."

"You can tell?"

Gaara scoffed, earning himself a worried gaze from the other. He knew his sarcassm wasn't going to get him far today. Especially not if Naruto was worried about him. Looking down to his hands and the arms around him the vessel let out a long and much needed sigh. Shifting his weight onto the one whom he trusted more than even himself, he soaked up the warmth before finally taking time to speak.

"I.. I Slept.."

"You did? Uh... Wait. Is that bad?"

"Normally.. yes."


"But... I didn't Kill anyone. I don't think i even left the room let alone the bed."

"Then that's good!"

"Is it? Why would Shukaku let a chance like this pass?"

"Maybe she had no choice.. You did say that when i touch you, you can't hear her."


Moving his head to nuzzle the back of the redhead in his arms, he soon let go and moved past the other to get ready for the day. Only after he had changed and put some slippers on did he return and offer a hand to his boyfriend whom was still sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at his hands.



Looking up whence his name was called, he noticed the outstretched hand of the blond and with slight hesitation, took it and got up. His mind was a confused and anxious fog. So many emotions swirling within him like a hurricane. So many questions. However as the smell of coffee perked his senses, he supposed he could wait and ask the demon within once she awoke.

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