Better Days...

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Watching as the Uzumaki took the phone to head outside, Gaara took his time putting away dishes and cleaning up the living room for when his brother would arrive. It wouldn't take too long; but to the vessel, giving a good first impression about his new roommate to his brother was vital. Sure the two weren't dating, but to have as overprotective siblings as he did, Gaara knew this needed to go smoothly.


Gaara could hear the somewhat muffled whine of the blond from outside as he begged his teammate to help the two. Sure he couldn't completely hear what the Uzumaki was saying, but he could gather enough information that it was about him and that Naruto was doing his best to reassure the pink haired friend.

Taking a moment to place down a box of pictures the vessel had boxed up the night before to take to the new apartment, he sat on his knees and looked through them. Was this really the right thing to do? Sure the two had been friends, but what if he slips up? What if his feelings come to light and Naruto doesn't feel the same? Gaara took a long pause in his cleaning to think.

' There's nothing you can do.'

Shukaku's voice echoed softly in his head, making him grumble in annoyance at the ever cynical demon. The husk coo of such a rasp and strained voice daring to keep going.

'You'll always be a monster.. My monster.'

'He's never going to love you and you know it.'

"You don't know that..."

Gaara replied in a mellowed and hushed tone, his eyes fixed on an image of his younger self from only years ago. Angry, deranged and bloodthirsty. It hurt him to think of how reckless he was. All this time listening to the voices in his head, the sweet sickening lies that the demon spoke, all while playing part of his past mother.

'Neither do you.'

Gaara had to stop, his head hurt. Putting the picture down and slowly closing the box he calmed his heart and slowed his breathing. thoughts like these only destroyed the progress he had made with inner peace. But somewhere in his heart, though he hated it. he agreed with the demon.

"No.... I--"

"Hey Gaara!"

Naruto's voice ripped through the silence in the room, bringing with it a calming peace that soothed the vessel's heart and head. He was like living medicine to the sand ninja, a medicine he never wanted to stop taking.

"I think your brother's here! i saw him walking in the building"

Naruto continued as he approached the silence ridden insomniac, noticing the box of pictures and picking up a old one from the first day they had met.

"Sakura said she can't help. She's too busy training and-- Hey! I remember this day!"

"It's... when we met."

"Yeah! Man, it's been a while huh. I look so short!"

Naruto laughed at the sight of his slightly shorter self from the background of the image, it made him happy to remember the past. At least, the good parts.

But though he may have been sidetracked by the images he had begun to pour through, he hadn't noticed the vessel who had taken to basking in the warmth and light he gave off with each passing moment that they spent together.

It was like a sickness he didn't want to be healed of. Gaara couldn't stand it and yet he couldn't get enough. He wanted to be wrapped in this light, in this pure happy feeling. He wished it could last forever, but as much as he wanted to get closer; he could only find himself moving farther away. Fearing that he may taint such peace with the chaos that raged heavily in both his mind and heart.

"You're so.... Pure"

Whispered words fell on deaf ears as Naruto continued to gab on and on about the past. unable to hear the love sick jealousy that slipped through pale parted lips. Gaara envied the other, but not in anger. It was like a desperate plea to be closer to the other. A plea to be broken with a sharp and heavy knock on the door.

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